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Through the breach - A tale of three gamers


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Said I would upload some photos yesterday, but didn't really have any time. So here's what I've managed to do with the twins so far. Still a long way to go before I'm really happy, but wanted to show the progress.

First up is Lelu:


Followed by Lilitu:


And a Primordeal magic as a side dish:


Comments and critique is welcome as usual ;)

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I was thinking of adding holes to the mask, but am actually going to paint some kind of eye symbol. Since they are Nephilim, Woe and Nightmare (and in Malifaux as a bonus) I thought that Lelu might not really need sight. Somewhat like this enemy from Resident evil 4. Have also removed the tail from Lelu.

Basework almost always add more character to a model and it gives us as painters and modellers a chance to put an already dynamic model into a situation (wasn't that nicely put :P ).

I will be extending Lilitu's skirt to cover up some of the areas to make it look nicer. and also try and add some texture to the tentacles.

The Primordeal magic's base will have two more chains added. The plan is to paint them in such a way that they start out as metallic and changes into spiritual (still deciding on choice of colours) before attaching to the totem.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Managed to scrape together some time to paint and take photos again.

Getting closer to finishing up all my models for my Dreamer crew. The latest addition is three Alps. I'm happy with how they turned out, even though they're not my best pieces.

See what you think:

Alp 1


Alp 2


Alp 3


Also been dabbling in a few side projects. Lilith's crew you already know about. Giving the girl a different makeover and this is the result so far:


And after facing of against my friend earlier this year, I realized how much fun I could have playing the Hag. So here's a WIP of Zoraida:


And a finished Voodoo Doll:


Hopefully I'll manage to finish Zoraida during the weekend and start on either Bad Juju or the Hooded rider.

Comments and critique is welcome as usual :D

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heheheh. I wanted Lilith in purple since the rest of my Nephilim will be purple. Actually had no thought of the Slaanesh angle there.

And Zoraida turned out more green than in real life. Something went wrong with the white balance.

But if I ever would start playing GW games again, I have two models at the ready *wink*

Thanks for the comments *grin*

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great conversions and interesting painting dude!

Said I would upload some photos yesterday, but didn't really have any time. So here's what I've managed to do with the twins so far. Still a long way to go before I'm really happy, but wanted to show the progress.

First up is Lelu:


Followed by Lilitu:


And a Primordeal magic as a side dish:


Comments and critique is welcome as usual ;)

Really looking forward to see how they will come up in the end.

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Under threat of being turned into a puppet, I was forced to swiftly finish painting Zoraida and Collodis four Marionettes. I really have to figure out what's wrong with the lighting in the new apartment, since the pictures is not coming out the way I wish.

I hope that the pictures will satisfy your curiosity anyway *wink*






Next up: Wicked Dolls and maybe an Effigy....

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Thanks a lot. I realized that I really like working with balsa wood. It's such a user friendly material and looks really good :D

The only thing is that balsa wood is really smooth when you get it. If you want some tears or dents, just use a small saw lightly to tear at the pieces. See if I can put some pics later today. Will be adding bases to my (soon to arise again) Hamelin crew. Only thing scaring me is the thought of making bases to all those rats...

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Seems I'm just can't stop myself from getting more and more crews. Recently a Levi crew box mysteriously dropped into my mailbox and immediately my messed up mind (think it's usually labeled creative) whirred into motion. I don't really like the the normal Desolation engine too much (don't get me wrong, it's still quite cool), so I started building my very own. Put a few pics of the WIP here to see what you guys think so far.


More things will be added: Cables, guts, more armour plates etc.

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