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Malifaux Cosplay

Vlad the Mad

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...well, kinda. Didn't really try to imitate any specific character.

My wife and I were looking at my miniatures and we thought she has most of the clothes and accessories she'd need to dress up like a showgirl. After a few hours of preparations, shooting and editing, I figured this is how she'd look if she were one of the girls working at the Star.


Note to Wyrd:

Should the picture in any way go against forum rules, delete the picture/thread as you see fit. The interpretation of "sexually explicit content" tends to vary from region to region, but I wouldn't consider this photograph to be any more explicit than many of Wyrd's miniatures.

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She should'a been eating a red joker instead, though :(

Hmm, I've only got one with a black joker... I prefer the ace of tomes though.


Well done. Love the picture.

So, your wife just cosplayed. Are you going to put together a costume too?

I sure would like it, but lack of interesting clothes in the closet and financial resources in the bank account means it will take a while. Also, my wife doesn't like using the camera, so I'd probably have to use remote shutter control, which takes a lot of time and effort...

On the other hand, we'd also like to try some other stuff like Kirai or LadyJ, but that also won't happen for a while due to time constraints (real-life and stuff). We tried doing a LadyJ inspired showgirl pose, and it turned out like this.


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Hmm, I've only got one with a black joker... I prefer the ace of tomes though.


If you're goal to posting these pics is to show nice Malifaux cosplay, then you've done it. If your secondary goal is to make other male gamers jealous, you've also succeeded. :)

I sure would like it, but lack of interesting clothes in the closet and financial resources in the bank account means it will take a while. Also, my wife doesn't like using the camera, so I'd probably have to use remote shutter control, which takes a lot of time and effort...

I hear ya. Also, if you're like me, if I'm gonna do a costume, I wanna take time to make it nice and not slop something together that looks messy.

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