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Fritz's Malifaux mini's

fritz the cat

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I think they look very nice, painting miniatures is something you just get better at by painting more miniatures. And don't feel bad about the eyes thing, I've already stripped minis back down and redone them after spending an hour trying to unsuccessfully get the eyes to look good, and at other times, boom, first try. Just keep at it.

In fact the only thing I'm not to fond of is McMourning, but I'm just not a big fan of bloody miniatures in general. But I'll be looking forward to seeing what you come up with as you add more to your bag of tricks, from what I see you're just going to get better and better. Thanks for sharing.

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I think they look very nice, painting miniatures is something you just get better at by painting more miniatures. And don't feel bad about the eyes thing, I've already stripped minis back down and redone them after spending an hour trying to unsuccessfully get the eyes to look good, and at other times, boom, first try. Just keep at it.

In fact the only thing I'm not to fond of is McMourning, but I'm just not a big fan of bloody miniatures in general. But I'll be looking forward to seeing what you come up with as you add more to your bag of tricks, from what I see you're just going to get better and better. Thanks for sharing.

im usually against the whole blood and gore thing aswell. But mcmourning in particular just looked... really odd clean. it didnt look right.

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im usually against the whole blood and gore thing aswell. But mcmourning in particular just looked... really odd clean. it didnt look right.

Fair enough. And to your credit (in my eyes, at the very least) you didn't go overboard with it as I've seen too many times ruin too many nice paint jobs.

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I definately think these are a bit better than you give yourself credit for. Love the Rotten Belles Cold White dresses (they really compliment the models and lend to the idea that they are part of Seamus Harem).

The blood splatter on McMounring looks very good as well (nice splotches, splatter and of course the arterial spray).

I think the most eye catching (for me anyway) are the Night Terrors. Your blue skin on them is absolutely amazing.

The only thing I would recommend is using a light box and multiple table lights instead of the camera flash. It is washing out your highlights (especially on Molly) on not showing all the work you put in. They are easy enough to fabricate from some pieces of Foamcore (or if you want to get really fancy add in some white tissue or parchment paper).

PS also be sure to hit enter between imbedded images to prevent the wide screen effect that is going on.

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I definately think these are a bit better than you give yourself credit for. Love the Rotten Belles Cold White dresses (they really compliment the models and lend to the idea that they are part of Seamus Harem).

The blood splatter on McMounring looks very good as well (nice splotches, splatter and of course the arterial spray).

I think the most eye catching (for me anyway) are the Night Terrors. Your blue skin on them is absolutely amazing.

The only thing I would recommend is using a light box and multiple table lights instead of the camera flash. It is washing out your highlights (especially on Molly) on not showing all the work you put in. They are easy enough to fabricate from some pieces of Foamcore (or if you want to get really fancy add in some white tissue or parchment paper).

PS also be sure to hit enter between imbedded images to prevent the wide screen effect that is going on.

Its literally the first time ive taken a photo, tinkering around my new camera, my boyfriend was telling me to make a lightbox.

Im quite proud of the night terrors, I got some hanged and jackdaw on my painting table, I think i may try to do them in the bluescale aswell

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eyes are actually not that hard.

1) flesh color the whole face

2) put white in the eye area (broad stokes are fine at this point)

3) put a small black dot in the middle of the white (colors can be done, but at this scale black works just as well) position each dot so as to make the eye seem to look straight forward (unless you want them looking to one side or the other for some reason) this is important, so they aren't cross-eyed or what have you.

4) (this is the real trick) Now go back to your flesh color. Now, you basically make a small "rainbow" like arc over each eye, centered on the black pupil (if looking forward) this creates the upper eyelid. Then,.. make an upside down rainbow arc underneath each eye, centered on the pupil. (some people find the lower arc harder, so turn the fig upside down for a moment and simply do the upper arc again,.. only underneath the eye)

It may take a few attempts to learn the spacing of the arcs. But the learning curve should be pretty quick.

And that's it,... eyes complete.

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eyes are actually not that hard.

1) flesh color the whole face

2) put white in the eye area (broad stokes are fine at this point)

3) put a small black dot in the middle of the white (colors can be done, but at this scale black works just as well) position each dot so as to make the eye seem to look straight forward (unless you want them looking to one side or the other for some reason) this is important, so they aren't cross-eyed or what have you.

4) (this is the real trick) Now go back to your flesh color. Now, you basically make a small "rainbow" like arc over each eye, centered on the black pupil (if looking forward) this creates the upper eyelid. Then,.. make an upside down rainbow arc underneath each eye, centered on the pupil. (some people find the lower arc harder, so turn the fig upside down for a moment and simply do the upper arc again,.. only underneath the eye)

It may take a few attempts to learn the spacing of the arcs. But the learning curve should be pretty quick.

And that's it,... eyes complete.

just to be clear... these "rainbow life arcs" these are just the cleanup from the white right? otherwise im mighty confused at whats going on, and thinking about hooker makeup

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if you do the "rainbow arcs" in the next high light colour for the skin you can get them to look like folds in the skin too. but yes i would think they are just clean up lines.

we all do eyes differently i paint mine before any flesh tone is put on the model so 2 vertical white stripes through where the eye is, this means you dont have to be so neat with it then blean up around then with black to get them looking where you want. the trickier bit to this is then cutting back around them with the skin colour. give both methods a go and see which works best for you.

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I really like the body of the RN, thats how decaying flesh should look like

haha, i should damn well hope so, it took half a dozen colours mashtogether with a couple washes of inks and some different drybrushings to get that... it was the most random creation to get that. I kept trying new things and adding more colour on the model till it eventually amalgamated into that gross kinda rotted grey/green/milky colour

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