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Gunfighter questions


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I have been thinking about gunfighter a bit and came up with some things I was unsure of. The closest thin to these I found was in reference to Pandora's selfloathing, which made it seem like gunfighter was optional. So, if you could, weigh in your thoughts on this scenario:

Model A has gunfighter, model B has a 1" melee range. Model A and B are 1 1/2" from each other. Model C is 8" away.

Can model A shoot model C??

Can model B shoot model C??

Can model B charge model C without worrying about a disengaging strike??

If model A thinks model B is cute, what is the best way for model A to tell model B without offending model C??

Thanks for your help!

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As I understand it, gunfighter just lets you do one thing- use a ranged strike when in melee. It does not make your ranged strike a melee attack, it just avoids the normal inability to use a ranged strike when engaged in melee.

So to answer your questions:

1: Yes. Model A can shoot model B at any range less than or equal to model A's ranged attack's maximum (and of course assuming no powers that prevent targeting or obscuring terrain).

2: Depends. What is model A's melee range? If Model A has a melee range of 1.5" or more then model B is in melee and cannot shoot model C, as B does not have gunfighter. If A's melee range is less than 1.5" then B is not in melee and is free to shoot C.

3: again, it Depends. Gunfighter does not make A's ranged strikes into melee strikes so B doesn't have to worry about disengaging strikes from that but there's still the question of A's melee range.

I'm not an expert or a henchman or anything except a fairly new player so take these as suggestions of how I think it goes and not an ironclad ruling of any kind. Hope it helps.

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2. Your only consider in melee if you are in an enemies melee range not if enemy is in your melee range. However you can't charge enemy who is already in your melee range.

Gunfighter allows your ranged strike to reach a model you engaged within 2". So if lcb is 2.5" away from your gunfighter you are engaged with lcb so you can't use ranged strike and gunfighter is out of range. That part is how I remeber gunfighter, rm might have taken out 2" max.

If model has no weapon its melee weapon is bash and that has a 1" reach. Gunfighter only works if you are attacker, so the 2" is only during your attack, otherwise bash or your melee weapon is your reach range.

Self loathing can't use gunfighter's ranged weapon.

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Model A has gunfighter, model B has a 1" melee range. Model A and B are 1 1/2" from each other. Model C is 8" away.

Can model A shoot model C??

Can model B shoot model C??

Can model B charge model C without worrying about a disengaging strike??

If model A thinks model B is cute, what is the best way for model A to tell model B without offending model C??

No, model A cannot shoot model C, because it is involved in melee.

No, model B cannot shoot C, because it is also involved in melee.

No. A can still make a disengaging strike against B.

Model A should slip a note in model B's locker.

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Gunfighter is a very oddly-worded rule.

This model can make melee Strikes against enemy models up to 2" away with the indicated ranged Weapon. The indicated weapon gains :melee and loses :ranged when making these Strikes.
This bit all seems quite straightforward, and suggests that the model's melee range is not changed by Gunfighter - the model only gains Gunfighter's 2" melee range when actually making a strike. This would suggest that models without any other attack would only have Bash's normal 1" melee range at all other times.


Models with this Ability can block disengaging models with the indicated Weapon.
This is the bit that weirds me out. I've always seen it played that Gunfighter models can make disengaging strikes at 2", which seems to be the intended mechanic... but the model doesn't have a 2" melee range until it makes the strike, so why would the enemy be disengaging?

It may be that the intention is for the disengaging strike to be provoked when moving out of the Gunfighter's normal 1" melee range (and this is totally supported by the letter of the rule) but I've never seen it played that way.

Anyway, by my reading, in answer to the original questions:

1.) Model A can shoot Model C, because neither A nor B has the required melee range for them to be engaged.

2.) Model B can shoot Model C, for the same reason as 1.

3.) Model B may or may not be able to charge without a disengaging strike, depending on how you play the rule. By the precise rule as written (in my opinion) Model A would not be able to make a disengaging strike, because Model B is not engaged. However, many people will argue for a disengaging strike at 2" due to Gunfighter.

4.) The simplest option is for Model A to shoot and kill Model C, because dead people are harder to offend. They're just more tolerant of that sort of thing.

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I have to agree with Wolfgar.

The model's melee range is 2". Everything else is derived from that.

To go through the OP's questions:

1. If model A and B are friendly, then sure, model A can shoot model C. Otherwise, no.

2. Same as 1.

3. Same as 1, except change shoot to charge.

4. I really like the idea of a letter or even a telegram for this. That's me though.

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