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Companion - I'm confused



Hi there everyone, I've just started playing with a Seamus crew and have been trying to work out how the companion rule works to allow several bells to activate simultaniously, I just can't seem to work it out, but people keep saying it's possible.

This is my problem. The companion rule says that when you companion you nominate any number of refrenced model(s) or model(s) with the corresponding characteristic within 6" of one another.

So - the bells have Companion (Sybell) but Sybell does not have Companion (Bell). To me this reads that a bell may companion as many Sybells within 6" as possible, but why can other Bells activate.

The model that gets to simultaniously activate is defined by the model named/type in brackets after the companion rule and no where, and no matter how I read it can I see that you can companion multiple models with the same companion rule if the model named/type of model in brackets is not theirs.

For example: If the Rotting Bells had Companion (Bell) then all models of Bell type (including Sybell) within 6" chaining the activation along the line as neccessary.

If Sybell has Companion (Bell) a Rotting Bell could companion Sybell using their rule, then Sybell could chain to all bells within 6" using her companion rule.

But as it stands I read this as a Bell can companion Sybell but here it stops. I just can't see anything that lets you select multiple models with the same companion rule and activate them at the same time - it is the model type/named in brackets that can be companioned.

Any assistance is gratefully recieved, I've read through the companion threads I could see easily and havn't found an answer.

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If a model has the companion trait it forms a two way chain, so you can viewas if every model has Companion: Every model that can companion me.

So when you choose to activate Sybelle, you can chose to companion in every model who has Companion Sybelle (and is within 6").

I'll try and find a Marshall reference.


The only real issue is that all Belles in the companion group must be within 6" of Sybelle and Sybelle must be included in the group. As Belles can't companion with each other. You can have as many Belles as you like as long as this is true.

The best I can find so far says that it works, but not that my explaination works

Edited by Adran
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I asked this same question a while back and Nilus came back with a pretty solid explanation of how it works


It's not a marshall reply but it made sense to me

It's a confusing situation but essentially regardless of how Sybelle is activating (ie being companioned or not), when she does any belles within 6" can campanion her

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Both of those are correct examples.

Further if Seamus goes first and uses Womanizer on Sybelle, then Sybelle can companion the rest of the Belles chosing which ones go before and/or after her. The only stipulation to this is that Seamus has to go first (because his Companion rules comes from a 0 action) and be within 6" of Sybelle, then Sybelle has to be within 6" of any and all Belle's she wants to companion (though you get to choose when each activates in the chain, either before or after Sybelle).

I am pretty sure this is explained in the Rules Manual for Companion.

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