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Walking dead and counter removal


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I have tried to do a search for this but it didn't return anything meaningful.

Several Models can remove counters that are not being carried from play (Lady J, Von Shill etc). Do they remove mindless zombies as well?

The card says:

Walking Dead: Counts as a Corpse Counter, but cannot be

picked up.

I have wondered about this ever since I started my Nicodem Crew but it has never come up in game yet but I am sure it will when the exorcist enters play.

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He Should be on everyone's shopping list.

hes not that great with mcmourning as his bonus effect is only discard and sacrifice. And converting corpses into body parts doesnt trigger it. So in essense hes a mcmourning-lite and competing for the same resources. The hard to kill aura is nice, I dont know if id take him with mcmourning for that tho.

He has other useful abilities I know, I just dont think hes optimized to go along with mcmourning

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Can't see any synergy with Doug at all, Sebs/Nurse can handle healing duties and his hard to kill aura only effects undead models. Definitely will be recommending him to my mate who plans on picking up Nico though, good spot!

well, mcmourning takes a fair share of undead models aswell, but personally I find when I play mcmourning I tend to be pretty spread out, so an aura like that would be minimally useful. Nicodem with his brick style...well thats just peachy

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