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Kaeris vs Lilith ... suggestions?


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been getting more practice in with the game, and getting into Kaeris mostly 'cause she has the only fluff I really like right now...

but hitting a problem,

so far, been at a total loss against Lilith lists...

we've been running mostly starter box, or starter box plus a couple models ...

but thusfar, I've come to a couple conclusions...

1. If Kaeris waits til the end for her activation, it's usually pointless.

2. Fire Gamin are less than impressive...

3. Difficult Terrain (1/2 speed terrain) sucks.

so, knowing the general first response of "buy more models"... I'm going to say, I have Johan, and Joss, the starter box, a dec acolite, and the rasputina box.

what strategies/builds would you suggest against a fairly straight forward Lilith/Avatar Lilith list?

so far, the current problem is, Lilith and the Wald's shuffle up the forests to keep my models bogged down, moving slow and penalized at ranged combat...

then the flyers zip in and surgical strike my heavy hitters... usually leaving Kaeris in the lurch of having to go all out and end exposed if the attacks failed, or falling back and not supporting the troops...

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Your biggest advantage with the models you listed is ranged attacks. The problem as you have no doubt discovered is that usually if you are in range for your guns, then Lilith is in range to charge.

Raspy, Kaeris, and the gunsmiths need to shoot her as much as possible. If you have access to things which attack willpower use them, as willpower is Lilith's "weak" stat at 6.

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I find it odd that you have had little luck with fire gamin. Fact is if she hits them she is going to eat damage as well as burning. This lets you hit her with a no resist spell. Use them as a shield If she even stands close to one blow it up give her burning. Let the pawns go first :).

Thing most people cant get past with them is the best thing they do is die :)

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I find it odd that you have had little luck with fire gamin. Fact is if she hits them she is going to eat damage as well as burning. This lets you hit her with a no resist spell. Use them as a shield If she even stands close to one blow it up give her burning. Let the pawns go first :).

Thing most people cant get past with them is the best thing they do is die :)

he's a canny enough player to not target the gamin unless there are no other options, or they're grouped to be a bigger detriment to me than him...

flight and the ability to strike through terrain allows him to swing around the gamin-shield and hit the more vital models first...

1 damage, or slow, from burning doesn't really bother a model with Fast or Melee expert...

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The biggest problem is that Kaeris has a terrible model selection; she's not really viable at all as a master right now.

This is mostly evident in Fire Gamin who are, much like Ice Gamin, costed and statted completely incorrectly and have ended up pretty poor as a result.

The best advice if you want to play Kaeris is to find a master to play with her; she's basically an auto-include in most situations with everyone except Collette. If you're determined to have her as your master, the next best solution is more Gunsmiths (and/or LSPAs if you get bored of 'smiths). Both are very cost effective models and your list will be able to win games purely on efficiency. Kaeris and 6 Gunsmiths (4ss cache) is a pretty scary list, full of dudes with positive flips on basically everything that can fight both in melee and at range, with good speed, reasonable survivability and some good gravy utility rules.

Incidentally, Kaeris' biggest strength isn't Accelerant, its Inner Fire and Immolate. Accelerant is more situational.

Edited by Calmdown
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  • 3 weeks later...
Best thing to do is get some spiders (minimal cost) and latch on to lower her defense. It then makes her a much less daunting target to try and get rid of. You'll need to get something making ranged attacks to keep her busy while you try and get in there though or she'll just whirling death everything!

problem isn't really lilith... it's her crew...

so far in all the games, she's gotten into direct combat, once.

in avatar form, once....

and the rest of the time it's been young and mature nephlim zipping in while my models couldn't shoot them 'cause the waldgeists and lilith keep 3+ inches of forest between us...

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problem isn't really lilith... it's her crew...

so far in all the games, she's gotten into direct combat, once.

in avatar form, once....

and the rest of the time it's been young and mature nephlim zipping in while my models couldn't shoot them 'cause the waldgeists and lilith keep 3+ inches of forest between us...

This is why I like Lilith. Peaple tend to assume she is more one dimensional than she is.

Does the large steam punk arachnid ignore armor? They might be able to do something about the waldgeists.

Edit: I just read the rest of your post about not being able to shoot the nephilim which makes my suggestion kind of pointless.

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