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Malifaux World League - December Thread!


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This is the 'official' December thread for the Malifaux World League, where you can record and discuss your games and progress with your chosen crews.

When posting your results, please use the following format;


Crew Leader (ie. Master or Henchman)

Wins, Losses and Draws

New Strategies acheived

New Schemes achieved

Masters Faced

SS-worth of models painted towards the PaintLord title(optional).

Note that you only record the Masters you faced that were leading the opposing crew(s). Henchmen that are hired as minions don't count. ;)

Full rules are on the recruitment thread here.

If you'd like to join up, just post your first games on this thread. There's no need to reply on the recruitment thread anymore.

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W/L/D: 1/0/0

New Strategies acheived: Claim Jump

New Schemes achieved: Primal Something (I forget the name) :P

Masters Faced: Seamus

I took Avatar Marcus today, but didn't manifest him. It really wasn't useful against a resser crew, especially one with as many Wp-based tricks as Seamus. Still, Vanilla Marcus with a Shikome backup took down a Dead Rider and eventually Seamus himself. So all in all a good result.

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Kael Hate

Von Schill

W/L/D - 1/0/0

Strategies Achieved

- Reconoiter (Research Facility 4VP)

Schemes Achieved

- Kill Protegee (Samael Hopkins 2VP)

Oppposing Masters

Sonia Criid (6-0)


7 December

Outcasts Crew - 35 - Scrap

Von Schill
2 Pool

  • Hans

  • Jack Daw

  • Lazarus

  • Freikorps Trapper

  • Freikorps Trapper


Guild Crew - 36 - Scrap

Sonnia Criid
4 Pool

  • Ryle, Guild Pawn

  • Samael Hopkins

  • Taelor

  • Lawyer, Secretary's Aide

  • Witchling Stalker

Shared Strategy - Reconoiter

@ Research Facility

Von Schill plans to "Kill Protegee" Samuel Hopkins. Soniia throws down "Subjugate" and "Round Up". The Facility is made up of several close together Buildings and the out door area is rubble and waste strewn. The internal rooms hung with upturnned chemical tables, glass and things that shouldn't be touched. It is easy enough to move around but you aint going to charge through there. After 6" assume there is obstruction causing obfuscation. THis means all models are going to have a max LOS of 9-12".

The Far end of the area has a Pump house. The Fluids there are caustic, be careful. Walk (-2 flip 1/4/Kill) Charge/Push (1/2/Kill)

Soniia boasted and came across to take down the Outcasts. Von Schill laughed. The team stayed covered and focused on removing the Guild one-by-one. First Taelor, then The witchling. Ryle strode in and made the mistake, of standing among the rifles. Jack finished him off with a Red Joker on a -3 flip. The cackling was heard about. Three left and only Lazarus with some damage. Laz fired and moved, repairing on the fly, his hatred of the guild overcoming the terrain penalty to strike the Guild Master. Soon the Lawyer was alone. With little way to fight back Schills crew rounded him up and finished him off. With no Opponents and time to spare the crew spread out and checked the area. Another successful Mission.


- Reconoiter (Research Facility 4VP)

- Kill Protegee (Samael Hopkins 2VP)


- Reconoiter (Failed)

- Round Up (Failed)

- Subjugate (Failed)

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1 Draw, 1 Loss

Achieved Turf War

Achieved Assasinate

Vs Kaeris, Leveticus

My most recent games. :D This was my first time facing Kaeris. I managed to Red Joker her to death but seriously underestimated the fire gamelin and particularly their ability to kill each other for the 2dg pulse. Ended in a draw.

Against Levi, I took out Ashes and Dust with an Alpha, but wound up being more suicidal than I probably should have been with Marcus. It was a close game, but, a few mistakes and a few flips lost it for me.

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