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Slim's workbench: it needs some cleanin', folks.


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(and by cleaning, I mean ohgodsomuchdust)

Yeah, so I paint models. A lot of them. Very quickly, in fact--I'm a bit of a speed painter, more out of habit than anything else. Most models are painted in about a day, usually in groups of 2-3, more if I'm keeping it simple or really got the flow going.

My camera is also terrible, and while I usually edit them through GIMP they don't always come out well. I'm working on that, honest.

Rasputina's Crew




Ice Gamin


Ice Golem (aka Fire Magnet)


Essence of Power




Ramos's Crew




The glow effect isn't too noticable here, mostly because I cannot into photographing.


Steamborg Executioner


I actually painted the inside, but you can't really tell even if you hold the model up.


Mobile Toolkit (aka "Duckyface")


Arachnid Swarms. With magnets no less!


Handsome Squidward--I mean, Joss


Hoffman's Crew


Disco-queen Hoffman






Watcher (nananana bat-booooooooooot)


Ryle, the derptastic robo-zombie


Exorcist. Not actually used him yet, and will probably have him roll with Sonnia when I get her. Model is from Reaper, the zombie is from Mantic, crossbow is off some Warmachine model.


Scrap counters. Fun to make and easy to eat!



These are all from one guy, the totally awesome bro-tastic Abdiel. Note that this isn't even half the model he's commissioned me for; some I simply forgot to take pictures of before handing them off to him. I'll rectify that shortly. Also note that the photos here aren't great, since it was when I had crap lighting in my house (nevermind my camera is far from good) or taken quickly at the LGS.














Dead Justice set. God, I had SO MUCH FUN painting these guys, kind of kicking myself for not buying a set.


Alt Seamus.



Finally, at the very end, my Avatar Rasputina. Made about a month ago or so, long before the announcement of its impending release. The model is Dark Age Miniature's ice elemental; Raspy's body was a greensculpt cast of a Confrontation miniature, the arms of which were sculpted by my good friend Doc. The head, as well, was done by Doc, since I kept getting frustrated at trying to do it and he's better at that stuff than I am (just look at his Simulacrum 29!). Those ice crystals on the base and back? Sprue, cut down individually and glued in place.

Photo's were taken by my friend Jen, with her amazing $500 camera.






Edited by Slimnoid
I cannot into internet, apparently.
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Wow, some really nice work you have there. And except for a few miniatures here and there, they don't really have obvious signs of being speed painted. I also must commend you on your base work, most impressive. I was mostly just a "throw some sand down and paint" kind of guy so I'm really happy with the Wyrd base inserts, but I can respect the time that goes into a custom base, and well executed can take a model to the next level.

And yeah, isn't the Dead Justice set just the bomb, as a modeler and painter more than a gamer, it was that set and Miss Demeanor that put Wyrd right back on ,my radar after returning from an unanticipated hobby hiatus. I'm working on that set (and my first Guild of the Living Dead models) right now, they are very sharp and characterful sculpts. I'm almost tempted to pick up a second set myself, just to have in case.

Nice Avatar conversion by the way. Conversions are one of my favorite parts of the hobby, always love seeing some nicely executed ones. Looking forward to seeing more of your stuff and thanks for sharing.

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Wow, some really nice work you have there. And except for a few miniatures here and there, they don't really have obvious signs of being speed painted. I also must commend you on your base work, most impressive. I was mostly just a "throw some sand down and paint" kind of guy so I'm really happy with the Wyrd base inserts, but I can respect the time that goes into a custom base, and well executed can take a model to the next level.

And yeah, isn't the Dead Justice set just the bomb, as a modeler and painter more than a gamer, it was that set and Miss Demeanor that put Wyrd right back on ,my radar after returning from an unanticipated hobby hiatus. I'm working on that set (and my first Guild of the Living Dead models) right now, they are very sharp and characterful sculpts. I'm almost tempted to pick up a second set myself, just to have in case.

Nice Avatar conversion by the way. Conversions are one of my favorite parts of the hobby, always love seeing some nicely executed ones. Looking forward to seeing more of your stuff and thanks for sharing.

Thanks! I should probably amend that it's not really speed-painting per-se, just being very quick in how I go about it. Modeling, for me, is about 80% planning, 20% execution; I almost always have a clear idea of how I plan to paint something even before I put it together, so when I bust out the paints I'm already halfway done (in my mind anyway).

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really great! I love the shadow on Candy, and the bloody footprints of the Doppelganger- nice touches!

Where did you get that lamp for Ramos? if you built it, do you have any WIP pictures?

The lamp came from one of the Games Workshop 40k buildings, with some random bits and pieces glued on and around the base.

Glad to see a post of your combined work Slim. I like the way the ice golem came out, I hadn't seen that one before.

I almost never use the golem, Kev. Mostly because it's kind of terrible :whistle:

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Great work all around, I really like the feel of your works, they look as if they were walking across a dimly lit street.

Dead Justice set. God, I had SO MUCH FUN painting these guys, kind of kicking myself for not buying a set.

I bought my set at ebay but you can still find it at maelstromgames

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Yep, more stuff. Up to my eyeballs in commissions right now, but I did have time to work on my own miniatures--well, building them that is.

Kaeris's Crew.


Fire Gamin. Gosh I love these little guys (one of them punched a Rogue Necromancy in the rotting junk for 6 damage!)


Gunsmiths. Debated adding a dashing feather to the male one's hat but I was pretty sure it'd snap off too easily so scrapped the idea.


And the big lady herself, Kaeris. The wings are from Max Mini; I was unimpressed with the size of her usual ones, and got a free pair from a friend.


Another commission here, this time what is supposed to be a rogue for D&D. Took inspiration from Garret of Thief fame for the color scheme.


The Pale Rider. It isn't quite as dynamic as Fleck's, nor is it in ANY way tournie-legal, but it cost me literally nothing to make. I tried to keep as close to the book as I could, but there is of course certain liberties taken due to either personal preference or lack of sculpting skill.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I really, really hate painting Space Marines. Especially Blood Angels, since it's just a mass amount of RED which is both the easiest and dullest color to paint. Red marines, blue marines, all the same generic bald male empowerment fantasy.

Might have pics up tomorrow, progress shots of a BA army I'm painting for a commission, and probably the Pale Rider which I finished weeks ago but never got around to taking shots of.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So I got a new camera.

Avatar Kirai. The tombstone says "Here Lies Francis" but I couldn't get a good angle to take a clear picture of.


Pale Rider. I finished him a while ago but never got around to taking pics of.



Snow Storm. Finished a couple weeks ago. The throne is from Reaper (drow sorceress), and it took quite a while to cut the old model out and fit Snow in there. Storm's mask is from the Chaos Defiler kit.


Alternate Rasputina. Also finished a while ago (beginning to see a trend here?) Hand is from the Dark Age ice elemental, which was a left-over from when I did her Avatar; the book is a copy of the one from the Skaven Plague Monk set.


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