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Help my friend with Rasputina


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Malifaux has very small influence in our LGS, and me and the store manager are the only regular players. we play every friday and he has one crew, Rasputina. I take a variety of crews but mostly i play with Dreamer and Zoraida. most games are 25ss with a few 35ss ones creeping in. He is usually strapped for time so i thought i would ask for some general pointers for him. he has:


essence of power

3x gamit

ice golem

silent one

snow storm

and he will soon be buying a cerberus.

he usually takes the power ritual scheme and likes to sit on his soulstones.

for reference i usually play this:



silurid x3

mature neph

35ss adds

convict gunslinger

insidious madness

any help for my friend?

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First off, power ritual isn't really Rapsutina's strong suit. shes much better off taking different schemes because her mobility isnt what it should be for Power Ritual (Yes, I know snow storm helps, but not when you need to be everywhere).

As for holding on to his stones, I was the same way when I started, but you have to learn to use them and Rasputina should be using them all on her December's Curse spell because it increases your chance of hitting and getting the overpower trigger which is where the true power lies. It lets her keep casting with no cost to AP. I am usually able to kill a few models by using an overpower chain to hit the same model 2 or 3 times and it only uses 1 AP.

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If i were him going up against that list id be exterminating beasts on silurids. Also a kill protege would be fairly easy to do...

For 35ss id go:

Arcanists Crew - 35 - Scrap

Rasputina -- 8 Pool

Ice Gamin [4ss]

Ice Gamin [4ss]

Silent One [6ss]

Silent One [6ss]

Snow Storm [11ss]

Or something similiar for 25ss it'd be more like:

Arcanists Crew - 25 - Scrap

Rasputina -- 6 Pool

Essence of Power [2ss]

Ice Gamin [4ss]

Silent One [6ss]

Snow Storm [11ss]

Or just the 2 silent ones and snow storm

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can someone elaborate on possible schemes for a Raspy crew? like i said he likes power ritual, but the inherit slowness of his crew stops his stuff from gettng to my side of the board. i normally take schemes that work against him like kidnap and grudge, as well as reclaim malifaux, which i usually handle quickly then race back to my table edge to block any incoming models going for power ritual.


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If you've got Silent Ones, Rasputina's personal scheme is a good one. Hold Out is another good one, because her crew, if well designed, can be good at keeping anyone from getting near your board edge. Extermination might be another option. Ultimately, 'Tina is great at killing things, and not so great at movement gimmicks.

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The Essence of Power is almost essential for Raspy. I love it.

As for schemes, Sabotage is great, one of the easiest in the game in my view. Reflections on December is doable, Bodyguard is pretty easy, Kill Protege, Extermination, some Assasinates can also be good (less so against Zoraida for obvious reasons). Holdout can also work.

As a general tactic, hold everything together in a group and deploy your gamin and Silent One to provide the buffs you need.

If you get a movement based strategy, definately take Snow Storm. With Escape and Survive for example, you can move your entire crew up the 6" on the first activation of turn one with Snow Storm, and still have movement to setup your firebase and wait for your opponent to come to you. This works especially well with a scheme like Sabotage. Or, you can set up your firebase on turn 1, wait until turn 5 or so, and the Snow Storm your crew up the board, but I prefer to do it early and setup early.

Against Zoraida, targetting silurids and trying to get blast damage on Zoraida is the best way of getting damage on her. Silent ones, ice mirror get Raspy's range to 22", and Bite of Winter increases your damage nicely.

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do you see the essence of power as a worthwhile investment in the average game? i mean plus flips on her damage spells are nice but it is quite fragile.

ooh yes, you see, the essence is fragile, but so is raspy, and no one in their right mind will shoot at the essence (or melee) when raspy is next to it, beleive me :)

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Power ritual is "fluffy" but sabotage is much easier.

Holdout and various kill-type schemes are also typically easy for Raspy.

Power Ritual is actually incredibly easy too. One moleman can easily do two board corners and there's not much most opponents can do about it unless they want to invest significant time into try to kill something with that much armour. Add into that you do your other own corner turn one and its pretty much 2 guaranteed VP as long as you have one mobile/tough unit to do the other corner.

When you add in Reflections of December on top of Ritual and Sabotage, Raspy actually has really good scheme choices.

Which is good, because if you pull a movement based strategy you're pretty much dead :)

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Power Ritual is actually incredibly easy too. One moleman can easily do two board corners and there's not much most opponents can do about it unless they want to invest significant time into try to kill something with that much armour. Add into that you do your other own corner turn one and its pretty much 2 guaranteed VP as long as you have one mobile/tough unit to do the other corner.

Yeah, but Sabotage is typically easier and you can only choose one of the two Faction Schemes.

I also find that fighting your way through an opposing crew to grab the 4th corner for Power Ritual can be quite hard in either of the diagonal or corners deployment. So while 1VP out of the Power Ritual is pretty easy, getting the 2nd point takes more work, and makes Sabotage my preferred Arcanist scheme.

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