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The Tale of Malifaux Painters September and October WIPs


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I also acquired a Lilith crew, elements of a Rasputina crew and a bunch of gap filling models, so my count of models to paint has increased somewhat... No rest eh?

Rest? What rest? I've been painting for over 13 years and have several hundred dollars worth of figs still in their blisters that I've gathered over the years.

Also, the shading on the face/flesh is GORGEOUS!!! It looks absolutely perfect!

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13 and a half years here for me, and I can certainly understand about the blisters. I'm merely counting Malifaux!

Cheers on the flesh. It's just GW tallarn flesh foundation, a brown glaze and tallarn with white progressively added. The white shading on the inside of your December Acolyte's coat is very nice indeed, remarkably smooth.

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13 and a half years here for me, and I can certainly understand about the blisters. I'm merely counting Malifaux!

Cheers on the flesh. It's just GW tallarn flesh foundation, a brown glaze and tallarn with white progressively added. The white shading on the inside of your December Acolyte's coat is very nice indeed, remarkably smooth.

I started on my 17th Birthday. A friend had shown me a few days/weeks earlier, and I went out and bought my first painting kit/set for my Birthday. It was a good day :D

Thanks for the compliment! It may just be me, but it doesn't look as smooth as it could. It was just a mild grey with increasing amounts of white added in a layered effect.

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No pics at the moment, but being on holiday for two weeks has been very good for my Malifaux painting. :D Almost my entire Lucius crew is finished and I made some good progress on some Steampunk abominations for my slowly-growing-but-almost never-used Leveticus crew. At this point I'm at 75.8% completed models for my Malifaux collection.

After the Drill Sergeant is done I'll need to have a think about what to do next. The Viks are tempting but there's a few odd models that I might need to do to finish off some other crews.

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Almost the end of the month, but here come some WIP shots:

Kaeris crew



And our favorite fiery gal herself, Kaeris in all her magnetized glory!


Oh, and a group shot of the M&SU crew (this will be the layout for their display base):


Next month, I have to finish: Kaeris, 2 Gunsmiths, Dorothy, the Steamborg, MAYBE the 3 Gamins. And a couple of various miniatures and display bases. It will be a tough challenge...

That's it for now, see ya later!

Edited by nightseer
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Haven`t seen Kaeris before, looks interesting.

OK guys, even if some of the first enthusiasm seems to have gone away, i hope to bring the next thread online on sunday, cause next week will be busy.

Do you think it ok if i delete the names of everyone, who has not posted the last two months?

Yep... just like that old saying: "You Snooze, You Lose!" :D

Edited by Regnak
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