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Melee Minion with the Ortega Family?


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Hello All,

I've managed to get a few games under my belt and am now looking at picking up Perdita.

It seems to me having at least one dedicated melee model at 25 SS seems like a good idea. Plus, I can marry them into the family thanks to Abuela. Here's what I'm thinking.

Guild Crew - 25 - Scrap

Perdita Ortega -- 4 Pool

Enslaved Nephilim [2ss]

Abuela Ortega [7ss]

Judge [7ss]

Santiago Ortega [7ss]

Am I on the right track? Francisco seems too fragile. The Executioner seems like a solid pick if you aren't worried too much about mobility. I also kind of like The Judge because he's decent at range.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Edited by Brettqpublic
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Thanks for the advice everyone. I didn't realize the marriage had to be to a non-unique model. How does this look for 25 SS?

Guild Crew - 25 - Scrap

Perdita Ortega -- 3 Pool

Enslaved Nephilim [2ss]

Nino Ortega [7ss]

Santiago Ortega [7ss]

Witchling Stalker [4ss]

Witchling Stalker [4ss]

I cut Granny in favor of Nino because he seems like a more offensive piece. My gut is 3 SS isn't enough but I've never played Perdita. I could cut a Stalker to add 4 SS bringing me to 7 SS or possibly cut both of them and put a Ronin in the list and be up to 5 SS?




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At 25ss, 3 ss is probably fine for Perdita. She is not ss intensive - even at 35ss I rarely have more than 5-6 ss.

I love running Perdita with lots of 4ss models (combo of stalkers and marshals) so I can't say anything bad about choosing the stalkers.

I am a big fan of Judge though, even without being in the companion chain. Obeying him on Blades and Bullets or Bullets and Blades is great. He is pretty tough and he has the speed to almost keep up with Perdita - and almost is pretty good for keeping up with her.

On Francisco....I used him a lot in the beginning and he always died in the first few turns without doing much. Now, he rapes. He is a counter fighter only. Keep him back, when the enemy gets close, Companion him, then Obey him to charge...on his action you can flurry....things die....he's a bad man when used correctly.

He's also a great 'Frame for Murder' guy. At 5ss he is cheap enough to throw away, but if he gets in the enemy master's face, the master can't ignore him.....not with Cb7 with duelist, built in crit strike, and flurry.

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I tend to use Ronin, even at 6ss they're ridiculously good, and Granny can marry them into the family. Fransicso has done pretty well for me as well.

Having said that I don't actually own Witchlings yet (Sonia is probably my next box set purchase) but they seem pretty good on paper and at 4ss you cant go far wrong.

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I like the Judge... he has Flurry... and his spells Bullets and Blades/Blades and Bullets are very useful (the spells allow you to make two attacks for 1Ap, if you cast it). He has okay stats on his gun, and great stats on his sword. The Death Marshals (using Pine Box) are super useful against Melee based crews (if you have to get close to hit me, I can Pine Box you).

Hopkins can be an asset if you know your playing arcanists, but the Stalkers are a better all purpose model.

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I cant say enough good things about the witchling stalkers. They are probably the best 4 pt minion Guild has.Short list for why



Magic Weapon with cb6

Antimagic aura

2 dam pulse when they die.

They have a way to help against just about any crew in the game honestly.

Not to mention the insane amount of damage their melee attacks do, and they have a decent gun if needed.

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I don't have my cards in front of me, but I'm 99.99% certain you can't marry unique models, and I believe the Judge is unique.

Correct on both counts.

Also to the OP - you don't have to worry about the Executioner's mobility so much when you're packing a list with 3 Obeys...

Incorrect. The executioner is rare 1, not unique and therefore can be a target of shotgun wedding.

I'm embarrassed for you... I was responding to post I quoted, which is talking about the Judge, who is unique, but thanks for pointlessly confusing the issue...

Edited by FearLord
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just gonna throw this out, if your looking for melee interference vs damage, the gaurdian is amazing for survival, decent melee damage and can keep your nino or santiago alive longer (not that santiago needs to much help). Also he only pulls on tomes (which low ones work as well as high) so have some suit versatility.

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