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Chicago Malifaux Team Tournament 12/10/2011


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Games Plus

101 West Prospect Ave

Mount Prospect, IL 60056

(847) 577-9656


Saturday December 10th

Registration starts at 10:00 AM

First round begins at 11:00 AM

Rounds will be 120 minutes

Unless we have a large number of players we will go 3 rounds. Which means you can expect to be done by 6


Malifaux Team tournament

25 Stones per player(50 stones per two man teams)

Fixed Shared Strategies(to be announced soon)

All Schemes available but unique

Fixed list

DOMINATION scoring format (TP/VP/Diff)

Book 3 models and rules will be in effect.

Full team rules to be posted by November 1st. This will be an Adepticon Primer tournament

Proxy rules will be using the Chicago standard. IE Only one model or model type may be proxied per round. Proxies must be painted and accurately represent the model. You must create a 3x5 cards for your proxy. ALL PROXIES NEED TO BE CLEARED WITH THE T.O.(IE ME) BEFORE THE START OF THE TOURNAMENT.

Painting contest: TBD

$10 Dollar entry fee for prize support


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I am going to try to make this one. Sounds fun.

Queastion: do both teammates need to use the same faction?

Sorta, Both of the teams masters must be brawl compatible. IE Same faction is fine and there are some other combinations that work as well(Hoffman with Ramos, Zoriada with Somer Teeth, Vikis with almost anyone)

Still working out the rest of the rules but for crew composition here are the rough rules

Each player drafts a fixed 25 stone list for the tourney. Hiring rules and rarity restrictions are treated like you are creating a 25 stone scrap crew.

Unique models may only be take once per team. So no two Nino Ortegas on a Guild Team

A teams pair of masters must considered a compatible pair per the Brawl rules. So either same faction or allowed to be taken together in a Brawl.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
So far we have 3 teams that I know of (Fool and Jokerohki, John and Sean, and Chuck and Myself.) Are there any more? Just 3 would not be much of a tourney.

I believe Gruesome has said his group might be one or two teams. I also think Greg said he might make it. Worse case if its really not enough people we just break it down and do a standard non-team tourney. But I really hope we have enough for this.

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