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Yes, not the most original title to an intro post you ever did see, but there we go.

So, I've been dragged kicking and screaming into the world of Malifaux by a..... someone.... who shall remain nameless for the time being. I've been wargaming for years, primarily 40K but I've dabbled with a bit of Warmachine as well.

I've already played a few games (well, I got asked to sub in a tourney at my local store) so I'm getting a feel for the system and am leaning in an Arcanist kind of direction having been given the Ramos set (Love love love the Steamborg). So, any suggestions on what next for my motley crew?

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Thanks for the welcome all.

I had thought more spiders, they do have their uses! I have a mobile toolkit that needs painting, so I suppose I'm on my way! I have had electrical creations mentioned to me as well.

Ah yes, opposition. I know a young lady who is a massive fan of Neverborn, I've only played one game against them and that was using a borrowed crew (Lady J. et al.) I'd make a comment about evil magicks, but that's a tad hypocritical coming from a beginner Arcanist.

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