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Seriously, Alp Bombs

Math Mathonwy

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You're in such a hurry to up your post count that you can't post even semi-coherently anymore?

Edit: that sounded harsher than meant - it was intended in jest.

The last person I saw play the Alp bomb got his across the board (turn 1) surround by master (Lilith) with Alps, who died when I went to activate her.


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The last person I saw play the Alp bomb got his across the board (turn 1) surround by master (Lilith) with Alps, who died when I went to activate her.


I hear ya :)


but "buy more models" should never be a required tactical response to an opponent if the game is designed fairly.

if a tactical solution is lacking with the models at hand, game balance should be considered...

That goes very much against the design philosophy behind Malifaux. You're supposed to own a very hefty chunk of your chosen faction in order to be competitive (exception to this being the Dreamer - with him you need only a small set of minis).

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It kills before you can before you can defend against it, if you want get into more detail, it killed my entrie crew on turn one

Well maybe you should have sucked less? its been discussed ad nauseum. Neverborn are fine. we can't go changing the game willy nilly.

Space out your army, or use one of the counters that have been discussed. Its your fault you did not build your list specifically to counter the alp bomb, not your opponents fault for using it.

Edit - I've probably gone too far in my example here. to clarify. Alps are broken as hell, Chocobo is not a bad player and did nothing wrong. Wyrd needs to fix this problem. It is not a balanced list. the arguement above is one that people genuinely tried to make the last time alps were brought up. I was being sarcastic to prove how stupid those statements were.

Edited by Dolomyte
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How, with two activations your oppant with Alps. Only Zoriadia can win a Wp 12 on a double :-fate. I burned out my soul stones, dodging Lord Chompy bits attacks and the dreamers inflict Dreams (which I failed, once out of two goes) then spent the rest of cashe try to resist Yawning.

Any of my other models that killed the Alps became Alps them selves and more of a problem

Hell even if this isn't OP, it's just not fun to play against

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I disagree with your interpretation Math, and as far as I know from all I've read and even the post you referenced if you can get into melee with the dreamer, but are not in melee with anything else, you may target the Dreamer. Melee strikes are different from ranged strikes in that the only legal target for a melee strike is a target within your melee range. A ranged attack can target anything it has LoS to, but the strike will fail if you are out of range. You can't even declare the target of a melee attack if it is out of your range, because you may always check to see if it is in range, and it is only a legal target if it is.

From everything I've read in posts from the RM's in the rules threads this is the way it works. If I'm incorrect in this than I'd be even more flabberghasted than I already am as to how the Dreamer with all his known tricks got through playtest as "Working as intended".

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How, with two activations your oppant with Alps. Only Zoriadia can win a Wp 12 on a double :-fate. I burned out my soul stones, dodging Lord Chompy bits attacks and the dreamers inflict Dreams (which I failed, once out of two goes) then spent the rest of cashe try to resist Yawning.

Any of my other models that killed the Alps became Alps them selves and more of a problem

Hell even if this isn't OP, it's just not fun to play against

The suggestion people have made are models that explode, IE papa loco, arcanist constructs (gamin, golem, snowstorm, spiders), witchlings, flaming pigs, etc. Other people suggest spacing your army pretty wide apart. all of its bull. To counter it you can build a list specifically to do so, but its still not a fun game.

I'm personally amazed at the cowardice shown by Wyrd in this situation that we have had multiple very long threads about Alps and some other issues and never once have they had the balls to weigh in. You write a nice piece of fanfic or do some nice painting and they will jump in, but when a poll, and a large number of their community points out a problem they just sit there silently.

Say something, hell I'd be fine if they said its working as intended and we will keep watching it, but saying nothing is insulting.

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The suggestion people have made are models that explode, IE papa loco, arcanist constructs (gamin, golem, snowstorm, spiders), witchlings, flaming pigs, etc. Other people suggest spacing your army pretty wide apart. all of its bull. To counter it you can build a list specifically to do so, but its still not a fun game.

I'm personally amazed at the cowardice shown by Wyrd in this situation that we have had multiple very long threads about Alps and some other issues and never once have they had the balls to weigh in. You write a nice piece of fanfic or do some nice painting and they will jump in, but when a poll, and a large number of their community points out a problem they just sit there silently.

Say something, hell I'd be fine if they said its working as intended and we will keep watching it, but saying nothing is insulting.


Thread done.

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