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A (fun) rant about "Best Painted"


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could be, but some people could lie, and say it is there own work,

This could be true of any painting competition, what's to stop you entering someone elses work in Golden Daemon. I don't think it's a valid argument. Also to a certain extent it's quite hard to cheat unless no-one at the tournament has ever met you before.

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This could be true of any painting competition, what's to stop you entering someone elses work in Golden Daemon.

Someone on a painting forum I'm on noticed one of their commission pieces winning a trophy in youngbloods last year. Emailed GW about it. That trick cost the kid who entered it his trophy and he's banned from all future golden demon contests.

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He who pays most wins, eh?

Not really going to bother with Malifaux events at all, if the painting element doesn't even have to be your own efforts being rewarded.

It has NOTHING to do with who pays what. It is about how one chooses to use their time. You spend a month painting your crew, Jack over there will wait a month for the painter to finish and do other things like work or family or whatever while the painter does his thing. Just because someone pays to have their crew in a miniature tournament, not a painting competition, painted by someone else, that does not diminish any one who wants to waste all their time paintings work.

All of you people who are so worried about a commissioned crew beating you must be pretty bad painters.

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How in the world do you figure this when the OP is paying to compete?

He is paying to have a nice looking crew. If he wanted, he could paint it himself. Given enough time, he could probably make it look just as good. His time is clearly worth more to him than the cost of the painting. Just because it wasn't done by him doesn't mean its any less of a nice paint job.

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He is paying to have a nice looking crew. If he wanted, he could paint it himself. Given enough time, he could probably make it look just as good. His time is clearly worth more to him than the cost of the painting. Just because it wasn't done by him doesn't mean its any less of a nice paint job.

By his own admission, he's not a good painter. Infact, that's what spurred him to commission. He makes a distinction between his lack of skill and lack of time. They are two separate entities, one not influencing the other. As such, he's using his ability to commission to make up for his lack of skill. It's understandable, who wants a sh*t looking crew when there's chance to get a better one? He's still doing exactly what you claim isn't possible. Buying into a higher grade of competition, spending his way to being competitive.

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All of you people who are so worried about a commissioned crew beating you must be pretty bad painters.

It's gotten quite petty here in this thread (also you missed the point entirely).

But anyway:

The thread should have ended ages ago when all arguments on both sides were made and even the TC (sorry about the 'even', TC) conceded point.

The fact that it is still going has nothing to do with unresolved discussion and everything to do with people wanting to fight. There's no point continuing this thread, seriously.

And yes, I'm aware of my hypocrisy.

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I'm still waiting for a valid reason why a crew that was painted by commission is somehow less great looking than one someone painted themselves.

You've been given them, and have chosen to ignore them. There's no reason to keep supplying you with points to casually dismiss without reason.

"I'm jealous he has more disposable income than me" isn't a valid reason.

Sadly, I doubt the community here has the clarity to avoid engage such blatant sh*t stirring.

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It has NOTHING to do with who pays what. It is about how one chooses to use their time. You spend a month painting your crew, Jack over there will wait a month for the painter to finish and do other things like work or family or whatever while the painter does his thing. Just because someone pays to have their crew in a miniature tournament, not a painting competition, painted by someone else, that does not diminish any one who wants to waste all their time paintings work.

All of you people who are so worried about a commissioned crew beating you must be pretty bad painters.

I'm still waiting for a valid reason why a crew that was painted by commission is somehow less great looking than one someone painted themselves.

"I'm jealous he has more disposable income than me" isn't a valid reason.

Way to keep it classy. Can't think of a comeback so just completely change the thread.

Dude... I can't believe that someone could contradict oneself that much in three consecutive posts so I can only draw the conclusion that you're trolling.

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Dude... I can't believe that someone could contradict oneself that much in three consecutive posts so I can only draw the conclusion that you're trolling.

At what point did I change the topic? All of my posts are honest observations of why people don't want commissioned armies to be included in best painted.

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Lord but this is silly. Ispep, he's referring to this...

Way to keep it classy. Can't think of a comeback so just completely change the thread.

...coming off the heels of this...

All of you people who are so worried about a commissioned crew beating you must be pretty bad painters.

"I'm jealous he has more disposable income than me" isn't a valid reason.

Clearly, you place zero value on class. You're just be ridiculous now. Don't fret though, I'd place good money on the members here being all too willing to engage this type of baiting.

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Lord but this is silly. Ispep, he's referring to this...

...coming off the heels of this...

Clearly, you place zero value on class. You're just be ridiculous now. Don't fret though, I'd place good money on the members here being all too willing to engage this type of baiting.

Low blows perhaps, but still on topic. And the most reasonable explanation of why people would be so afraid of "competing" against for-pay painting.

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