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Dumb Luck's Somer Diary

Dumb Luck

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It's not best to compare Somer to Ophelia. Because Somer still has Ophelia.

It's best to compare Somer and one mosquito to 14 soul stones. Because if you were to drop him and the skeeter, you'd have an Ophelia list with just that - 14 more stones to spend.

I also probably shouldn't mention this, but two mosquitoes can activate infinitely and get infinite movement. Technically. *cough*

Hmmm. Surely its more than just the 14. I'm aware it's all tit for tat at the end of the day (and I most likely have the numbers wrong, but feel free to correct me!), but taking Ophelia as a leader nets you that theoretical 14 stones you mentioned, her Henchmen reserve ontop of your Soulstone Total and (most importantly) you're not paying for her out of your points.The eight points you pay for Ophelia could get you four Gremlins, which is roughly how many Somer gets to fart out in my games. And it's not like Ophelia's crew selection is that much slimmer in comparison to Somer's. From what I have gathered from this board, the only worthwhile unit you loose out on are the Skeeters.

It basically comes down to working out who would better in what scenario. I would take Somer in a game where numbers are key (Turf War for example). Ophelia would struggle by herself in comparison because she can't restore her numbers. Ophelia by herself may be a better call in Slaughter, where you have the Young LaCroix and a larger hand size (my biggest gripe when playing Somer. Ill Fated is a bother).

Somer has a slightly better chance against one of Ophelia's worser match ups, Pandora since alot of his stuff does not target.

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It seems that piglets don't really get that much love, but looking at their abilities I am very intrigued by the Truffles ability. It seems to me that if nothing else they have quite a potent ability to reposition gremlins for relatively little cost.

What do other people think about piglets in respect to the Truffles spell?

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No, its not a push - it causes a gremlin to make a WK move towards the piglet (note that it does not say directly towards).

It only costs 1AP, and has a low casting cost of 8 - which means a piglet needs to flip a 4 to cast it. The only downfall to it is that it only has a 6" range, but it is easy to cast and gives you out of activation movement.

Personally I find that in many games, and especially this one, effects that grant additional or out of turn movement are absurdly good. A piglet could easily cast this spell 3 times a turn to move a clump of gremlins around. You can use it to reposition models such as Ophelia, Somer, avatar Somer (he still has the gremlin keyword), Pere, Rami, the Pigapult (it is a gremlin...), Lenny, the Slop Hauler, etc.

3 points seems pretty cheap to me for something that not only can attack decently if you want it to, but that can also help you move your crew.

I have been trying to use slop haulers to heal gremlins such as Ophelia or Rami who tend to self-inflict a bunch of damage to operate well - but I have found it difficult to get them into good position since "feed the piggies" is an all action with a fairly short range. Truffles seems like it might be pretty handy moving the slop haulers around. Or handy to get extra movement from gremlins to accomplish scenario goals. Too bad you cannot put them into a crew led by Ophelia...

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Truffles has a pretty small range. The only decent thing I can think to do with it is early game. Move piglet, truffles, reckless to move agian. Move a bit of the gunline up faster maybe. Also you could it to haul a gremlin up a flank without recklessing the gremlin.

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Hmmm. Surely its more than just the 14. I'm aware it's all tit for tat at the end of the day (and I most likely have the numbers wrong, but feel free to correct me!), but taking Ophelia as a leader nets you that theoretical 14 stones you mentioned, her Henchmen reserve ontop of your Soulstone Total and (most importantly) you're not paying for her out of your points.The eight points you pay for Ophelia could get you four Gremlins, which is roughly how many Somer gets to fart out in my games. And it's not like Ophelia's crew selection is that much slimmer in comparison to Somer's. From what I have gathered from this board, the only worthwhile unit you loose out on are the Skeeters.

It basically comes down to working out who would better in what scenario. I would take Somer in a game where numbers are key (Turf War for example). Ophelia would struggle by herself in comparison because she can't restore her numbers. Ophelia by herself may be a better call in Slaughter, where you have the Young LaCroix and a larger hand size (my biggest gripe when playing Somer. Ill Fated is a bother).

Somer has a slightly better chance against one of Ophelia's worser match ups, Pandora since alot of his stuff does not target.

It's 14.

8 for Ophelia + 4 for her henchman reserve + 2 for the mosquito.

So a Sommer crew is, essentially, an Ophelia crew which paid 12 stones for him and 2 for a skeeter. I include the skeeter because...you're just playing Somer wrong if you don't have one.

Somer's tricks are good against a lot of things people don't think about. (See how long a group of clustered alps last with Pull my finger going off) and, more importantly, a lot of things people would consider "top tier." As you mentioned, Pandora. So, if you plan on playing gremlins in a tournament, I think playing him well is pretty essential.

But I agree about ill fated. It's annoying that one of the arguably weaker masters in the game has an abiltiy which literally does nothing except...make him worse.

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But I agree about ill fated. It's annoying that one of the arguably weaker masters in the game has an abiltiy which literally does nothing except...make him worse.

Ill Fated was necessary back when you could draw more then 2 cards per dead Gremlin from Survival of the Fittest, however he really doesn't need it now.

Really hoping that either he loss that in Version 3 (should they be released) or perhaps a future model that gives Arcane Reservoir (not a big fan of this but better then nothing).

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All this gremlin talk makes me sad my new stuff didnt come in yesterday. No skeeter fart clouds and bacon bombs (sounds like an alcoholic drink with a piece of bacon in it) till next week.

Anyway you can always rush out ASomer if Ill Fated is really turning into a problem. Not exactly an ideal fix but half the game with a maximum hand is better then nothing.

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Ill Fated was necessary back when you could draw more then 2 cards per dead Gremlin from Survival of the Fittest, however he really doesn't need it now.

Really hoping that either he loss that in Version 3 (should they be released) or perhaps a future model that gives Arcane Reservoir (not a big fan of this but better then nothing).

I get why it was there the first time. I don't get why it remained on his V2 card.

But, whatever.

I'm still going to win Masters of Malifaux at Gencon with him, so he can't be all that bad.

To quote the Vultures from the great Disney Movie Dumbo.."Now dont start that again!

To be entirely fair, if I were in a hyper competitive environment, like a GT which Mr. Luck is attending, I'd use it. It's a hell of a lot less potent than other "broken" things out there (like the Lilitu/Nekima shenanigans) and it's totally legal. It was even errata-ed out of existence and then put back in with the V2 cards so, hell, maybe that's why Somer is still Ill Fated. :D

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