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Newfound Respect for Sammael

Vlad the Mad

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I always read that Sammael was very powerful, but the last few times I've played him (over six months ago) he never really seemed to do so well - he'd usually get beaten to death in melee before he got a chance to unleash his rapid fire fury.

However, yesterday I played a few games and found some new respect for him. Hunter + Flaming Bullets + Rapid Fire + Ricochet is unbelievably strong, even more so when shooting a model with Ca of 6 or more. I managed to keep him out of melee in all the games, and my opponents had to allocate quite a few of their resources to handle him, allowing me to complete my strategies and schemes while denying them theirs.

Anyway, just wanted to share, Sammael is great! :D

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He is great, although I haven't used him for a while. Need to finish painting my Sonia crew.

To stop him being targeted, take something else the enemy has to kill, like the Executioner or Nino. Or Obey Sammael out of LoS. Or take a Guardian to give him Armour and to take Wds for him.

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I dont think that you get to have the flaming bullets extra for the richochet shot,but im fairly sure the magic hunter would apply. But yes,Samael is without a doubt my favorite guild non master. He is a beast...and ever since he one shotted a Coryphee duet he has been an auto include any time I feel the need for a heavy hitter.

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Yeh you dont get Flaming Bullets on Ricochet (its not a ranged strike).

Samael does deal some serious pain when he has bullets up, but at the cost of being expensive at 8 points and easy to kill. You got it right - if you can distract your enemy from him he's great, but a good enemy isn't going to let that happen :)

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Sammo one-shotted (technically 3-shotted under rapid fire) Colette once.

She got a little too close, I flamed up some bullets and unloaded. First attack did 6 (soulstoned down to 4), she blinding flahsed away... But was still a viable target. I think the second shot went wide, but the third shot finished her off.

Amazing when his weak damage is 6.

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Why'd colette soulstone prevent damage when she could slow to die heal if/when she was 'killed'?

I don't know. He had a lot of soulstones, and did that whole "Death Defying" thing instead of SS healing on slow to die. He was left with 2 after Colette ate it.

I think perhaps he saw that she was in line of charges from 2 witchling stalkers even after Sam, or he just was dead tired.

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A good way to do it,is to hold him back a bit,or give your opponent too many other things to worry about as well. Make him devote a large portion of resources to taking down sammy,which leaves the rest of his army to deal with your main force. Ive found one of the best things to do,is to keep him near Sonnia,or keep him guarding a location thats important to you or your opponent. Dont leave him all by his lonesome. Make sure that your opponent knows that he will have to devote some serious resources and will likely lose most if not all of those to try and kill samael. I find activating sammy later in the turn,and keeping a late activating nino or austringer or Taelor to support him works wonders. You could also use a Lawyer as a screen for him. Make sure that whoever is wanting to attack him,cant actually make strikes that round.

Use him like Taelor actually...as a countercharge/response model. Use him as a big nasty "hey look at me,im big and bad,ignore those three witchling stalkers creeping up on you" distraction.

After he activates,drop Flame wall in front of him,so that anything that charges him gets burned,perhaps fatally.

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Yes! Some respect for my boy Sam! I think he's an awesome model with his hat, a pistol in one hand, and a bear trap in the other! In my local gaming area I think he's underrated by the other players, but always seem to leave impressed when he shoots them up with his flaming bullets. Basically I like taking advantage of the fact that he's underrated. He's fun to play with too. But yeah to repeat what you guys have said already, he can be a bit squishy, keep him back a bit.

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Wow, I just played a proxied Sonnia crew the other day and WOW. Yeah, I have to agree with you guys. I was playing against Lilith and my opponent's Mature was getting dangerously close to Sonnia. And then Sammael shot him up with a single activation. Wow. Just, wow. A Mature blown away just like that. Felt pretty awesome.

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Is there a reason to take Samael instead of Nino, though?

Cb 8, 6/7/8 Dg, Rapid Fire is usually a good enough reason. And Richochet, which is pimpin'.

As a Seamus player, the moment he activates my Belles are flashing their stuff at him and I'm jumping him with as many models as possible. I would say he's the single model I'm most terrified of in this game.

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