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Sculpting female models


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It doesn't even come down to being offended. The lazy route with female minis is tiresome. The female Desperate Merc is the apotheosis of my feelings on the matter. Instead of getting a neat female figure portraying a down-on-her-luck soilder of fortune, we get this absolute dip$$$$$$$$ of a figure that does zero to sell the concept it is supposed to represent.

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I would not mind variation in the female models either, but I think it needs to fit the idea of a character. I don't want them to sit around and try to make a less attractive female model and character just for the purpose of having a less attractive female model. If it fits the idea of character they want to put into the game thats great, and I think to some degree we have already seen that with models such as Abuela & Zoraida.

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It doesn't even come down to being offended. The lazy route with female minis is tiresome. The female Desperate Merc is the apotheosis of my feelings on the matter. Instead of getting a neat female figure portraying a down-on-her-luck soilder of fortune, we get this absolute dip$$$$$$$$ of a figure that does zero to sell the concept it is supposed to represent.

To be fair, I don't think the male model really sold the concept either. He seems more eccentric and weird than a down on his luck soldier. That said, I like both the male and the female models - but I don't think they really sell the Desperate Merc concept too well.

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Target market = males (Western/developed countries) 18-35.


It's still odd that that men get offended by sexy women more often than women

Ok boys, it's time to step away from this. As a female gamer myself I kinda knew what to expect when it came to female miniatures; hell I also play Sisters of Battle, ever seen a Repentia?

All miniature companies make miniatures that reflect the character they want to represent on the table and, if that person happens to be a buxom wench then so be it.

An inch high model is not offensive to me.

Let's all make friends again :)


ps. Joss is gorgeous

Joss is a poor imitation of masculinity, he's one diminutional and has no personality

It doesn't even come down to being offended. The lazy route with female minis is tiresome. The female Desperate Merc is the apotheosis of my feelings on the matter. Instead of getting a neat female figure portraying a down-on-her-luck soilder of fortune, we get this absolute dip$$$$$$$$ of a figure that does zero to sell the concept it is supposed to represent.

Same here, I know Perdita (the first one) is sex up, but I love love the model cause it just screams bad ass

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All joking aside, you know I'm right.

Just because women play mini games does not make them the target market.

And what has that got to do with anything? Your previous "/thread" comment didn't seem to have anything to do with anything, either.

Did you know that the target market also likes space marines? Why aren't there any space marines in Malifaux? Would you like there to be?

I seriously don't see the target market being "male 18-35" precluding variation in the female minis as I doubt that people are so desperate for the basic barbie minis that they buy everyone they see and somehow refuse to buy non-barbie female minis.

I feel that the popularity of Belles is proof enough.

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Hm, this thread has gone places.

Really, as a female gamer, cheesecake rarely really bothers me. I had a minor snit over the Convict Gunslingerette, but seeing Nathan (I think) come out and say yes, the limited editions are just meant to be cheesecake for the sake of it sort of lessened the blow. If they want to do a t-shirt and cutoffs once in a while, that's fine. Have at it, guys. I feel competent enough to mod the bottom half of mine anyway once I get one, so I can cope.

But when it comes to characters, I feel there should be a reason. Corsets-- fine, corsets do add to cleavage. That explains most of them. But even there I run into a problem (and this is why I don't accept the 'But everyone's wearing corsets!' explanation).

Why is Lady Justice wearing a corset? I mean, a strapless corset that hovers just over nipple level when she's standing still. I laughed a bit at the fluff when it stated that everyone knew she dressed for practicality. Lady would be hiking that thing up after every strike. To keep it from coming down, she'd probably have to tighten it way more than would be recommended, and run into a whole new set of problems.

Basically it's little things like that. If there were straps and it looked designed to actually hold things in place (or, GASP! she could actually wear a shirt over it! Any kind of shirt, have it open a bit in the front like she's loosened it for movement if you must-- the possibilities are endless!), I could buy it as something the supposedly practical butt-kicker Lady Justice would wear. Since there aren't, it just seems silly and unnecessary. --Of course, I realize that with LJ it's likely she was conceived model first and character afterward, but her Alternate keeps it. Even Perdita got some more coverage.

This is why the Desperate Mercenary lady bugs me so much. So she's so desperate, she's ripped some holes in her jeans? I admit it might be the studio paintjob that makes me dislike it more as well, since they gave her blue eyeshadow for crying out loud.. but is a coat too much to ask? Have it open, keep the midriff and the boobs if that's the only thing male gamers buy, but give her a coat or a hat. Because it'd be kind of dumb of her not to have one.

Also, this post got too long. But basically-- cheesecake's cool when it makes sense or is a limited free sculpt openly acknowledged as silly fluff. If you want these models to be characters and actually have a story to them, please don't make them look like idiots when it comes to dressing themselves.

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And what has that got to do with anything? Your previous "/thread" comment didn't seem to have anything to do with anything, either.

Did you know that the target market also likes space marines? Why aren't there any space marines in Malifaux? Would you like there to be?

I seriously don't see the target market being "male 18-35" precluding variation in the female minis as I doubt that people are so desperate for the basic barbie minis that they buy everyone they see and somehow refuse to buy non-barbie female minis.

I feel that the popularity of Belles is proof enough.

Variations are exceptions to the general rule.

Female models have big boobs and male models are macho and manly because most males 18-35 like that and they think it's cool.

I like Macho men and big boobs. You probably do too, whether you will admit it or not.

It makes for cool minis and games.

Im OK with that.

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Target market = males (Western/developed countries) 18-35.


What interesting though is I have seen more woman playing and interested in Malifaux then I have ever seen any PP or GW game.

Despite the cheescake sculpts, woman seem to dig this game.

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What interesting though is I have seen more woman playing and interested in Malifaux then I have ever seen any PP or GW game.

Despite the cheescake sculpts, woman seem to dig this game.

Perhaps it's because women in Malifaux are more prominent than men, both guild and Neverborn are dominated by women, the most iconic Arcanist I would say Rasputina and Colette, but resurrectionist or a lest the undead, are men only. Kari might be a resser, but she does spirits only. Outcasts might be male dominated as well, but Leveticus need Alyce and Hollow Waifs, the Viktoria twins are well twins :D. Som'er has Ophillia to make Gremlins 'work'. Forgetting Hamlin cause he only needs pawns. Women like Malifaux, cause well it's a women's world

Or am I reading too much into this.

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Ok boys, it's time to step away from this. As a female gamer myself I kinda knew what to expect when it came to female miniatures; hell I also play Sisters of Battle, ever seen a Repentia?

Hey now, you have to cut GW some slack. It's hard to sculpt women when you're working without reference material.

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There seems to be a curious trend growing here of polarity between players, both male AND female. There are those who assume that all players here like playing with macho men and big-boobed women, and those (an apparent minority) who complain about the lack of depth and common sense in those stereotypes. It's really not an age question either.

I'll ask you a question. If you are the player of the first type (the assumed majority), do you prefer playing powerful heroes who can overcome all the odds they are facing by sheer power (be that strength, magic, intelligence), or do you prefer playing "lesser heroes", that were thrusted with a job probably way too difficult for them (and what they probably would prefer to be without) but what they have to do since there's no-one else to do it? If of the minority, do you prefer the latter hero archetype more?

Is this more a conflict of player personalities than of attitudes towards boobs?

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There seems to be a curious trend growing here of polarity between players, both male AND female. There are those who assume that all players here like playing with macho men and big-boobed women, and those (an apparent minority) who complain about the lack of depth and common sense in those stereotypes. It's really not an age question either.

I'll ask you a question. If you are the player of the first type (the assumed majority), do you prefer playing powerful heroes who can overcome all the odds they are facing by sheer power (be that strength, magic, intelligence), or do you prefer playing "lesser heroes", that were thrusted with a job probably way too difficult for them (and what they probably would prefer to be without) but what they have to do since there's no-one else to do it? If of the minority, do you prefer the latter hero archetype more?

Is this more a conflict of player personalities than of attitudes towards boobs?

It could also be the American culture and its fascination with big boobs and a tendency to extrapolate specific likes as universal?

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I prefer imperfect characters. Someone who becomes a hero through struggles, perhaps even against their wishes, is more interesting to me than a storybook hero who just steps on to the scene and starts kicking ass. Whether this is due to 25 years of playing jRPGs, I don't know.

As for type, I prefer variety. Macho and stacked are alright in moderation, but if 50%+ of the line is like that, it gets monotonous. Not that I feel that way about Wyrd, as their line is incredibly varied due to the sheer number of robot/cyborg/monster/ghost/zombie/demon/pirate* models, but yes, it really shows in the male/female paired models.

* If you type the words ghost, zombie, and demon in that order, you are required to add "pirate".

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It could also be the American culture and its fascination with big boobs and a tendency to extrapolate specific likes as universal?

I've done extensive research on this, mostly be watching a $$$$$$$$ ton of japanese porn. Also some anime and the like. and I can say that america is not the only culture that likes large breasts.

I could facetiously suggest the swedish bikini team as an example as well, but I'm pretty sure they were invented by miller lite.

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