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Guild Minion Summary (Spoiler)


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Honestly I am happy everyone is complaining about Neverborn. It means I can play my Guild crews again without people acting like I am cheating.

Woooo! Someone who thinks the same as me... I am one of the only guys who plays guild in a competitive mostly neverborn group

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Have to agree, I feel pretty dirty when I spam launch Austringers with my Lucius list... Though to be honest the way I run lucius the list ONLY has two variations right now. Can't wait to see how the new minion changes the game up for Lucius..

Mind you i'm also building Ramos/Marcus just to get away from "those" Guild lists lol. I haven't even started Perdita yet, though I love her sculpt so "too late" for that lol.

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Can't wait to see how the new minion changes the game up for Lucius..

You mean the Avatar form of our favourite 10 points beatstick with the big sword, who pretends to be the master when she is with Lucius or the Warden? :P

Joke aside, judging from the spoilers, the Warden gives some nice stuff to Lucius, but it won't make him (more?) competetive imho. I was hoping that he will get some badass Unique Special Force characters, and then we got ANOTHER construct. Meh.

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In all honesty after looking over our minions (mind you I don't use hoffman I don't like his mechanics) the only two that say "buy me" from a competitive stand point is the witchling handler and the exorcist (times 2).

If you like playing brawls then its 2 and 4 respectivley. I really like the handler he/she brings a new dynamic to witchling based crews. Plus he is the first non master model we have that is a + to damage without being a master. The exorcists are death marshal themed but they do seem real good to any of our crews for spirit, nightmare, souless I kill you. However there drawback is they are pathetically slow. They seem to be more of a 2nd wave I help bring up the rear type model ala lawyer.

Just my personal standpoint but I would say out of all the effige's we defnatley got the marcus powered one though ( I honestly don't ever expect to see it fielded unless someone is playing a colludi I want all 4 in a list type fiasco).

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I agree with you guys...I mean, I dislike guild greatly...because they screw over my favorite masters something fierce, and my masters actually tend to match up better against neverborn...but in the long run, from a wider perspective...I'm definitely in the "neverborn are broke" camp. My main passion for dislike in guild is the ortega's the sonnia/witchlings and austringers...but I rather like the death marshals, and I may play my dead justice crew as an actual lady J crew sometimes now that the exorcist is around.

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Have to agree, I feel pretty dirty when I spam launch Austringers with my Lucius list... Though to be honest the way I run lucius the list ONLY has two variations right now. Can't wait to see how the new minion changes the game up for Lucius..

Mind you i'm also building Ramos/Marcus just to get away from "those" Guild lists lol. I haven't even started Perdita yet, though I love her sculpt so "too late" for that lol.

Just curious why? They in my opinion are the only good models he can take atm? Granted I have only played 2 games with him so far.

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When it comes to austringers imagine getting attacked by them 8 times... issue command x3, governor's proxy using issue command, and the 4 AP between both austringers... I tend to hide him in buildings/terrain where there is no easy way to get to them unless you phase through solid objects. So that narrows the list of what can attack them directly considerably.

If the enemy tries to keep away i just position my other guild and accomplish my objectives anyway.

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Can we get a bit more information about the Brutal Effigy? I'm trying to work out if it would be worth me taking it with Hoffman (as his preferred totem, the tool kit is a little pricy to bring along if you're also planning on Manifesting the Avatar...)

I like the sound of Magic attacks - is there anything else worth knowing?

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Dude you need to start sharing the weed you smoke. I know there is big "Neverborn is broke" consensus floating around these boards but there has been a lot older and longer "Guild is Broken" meme that still survives.

To be fair, Book 2 gave a huge boost to the Neverborn while the boost to the Guild was way more modest. Lucius, the Watcher and Drill Sergeant compared to Lelu and Lilitu, Stitched Together and Coppelius. Oh, and Alps and Nekima.

Austringers are a bit too good, though, IMO, with the boosts that they received in book 2. Wouldn't call them broken but I doubt that they are working as intended currently. Still, Neverborn have several tricks that are more evil.

Also, the "Guild is broken" claim comes easy mostly since Perdita is such an easy crew to play well compared to almost everything else in the game. So I'm not sure how much stock should be put into the claim.

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I have played alot of games with Lucuis and he struggles against nearly every master. If you changed the austringers he would be useless. Austringers arnt broken or not working as intended. I am never sure why people think they are broken or overpowered. I have played with them and against them and never thought of them as broken or not working as intended and neither have the people I played them against.

I have to say I do not think Guild are broken in fact I am in the camp that they are underpowered. In my gaming groups Guild crews are rare and there losing streaks are massive. If I draw Guild in a tournament I am happy as I know there is a massive chance I am going to win. The only time I have every lost against guild is when I am using Guild.

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@ Talos

Sounds like something to do with your local meta. I mean, 90% (purely exaggerated figure there) of the players can't be completely crazy while your gaming group stomps guild into the ground, right?

I've ranted on austringers plenty a time before, but basically it comes down to board control, and they just have too much of it. They force you to make a choice, advance slowly and in turn get slowly picked apart by the damn austringers, or charge the guild's guns to get into combat as fast as possible and deny them targets. When a douche with a bird on his arm can make certain Masters go "Oh, s**t," when they see one hit the table, there's a problem. Also, they require far more resources to kill than what they cost. The only things I can field that even have a chance of getting to them are Jack Daw and maybe Hooded rider. Anything else will get shot to pieces before they even reach the damn austringer, because he will be hidden and protected if the guild player is smart.

Lastly...on top of all the other douchbaggery, they have a 24 inch companion on an easy cast, and, if you manage to get them in melee, their one weak area, they basically get to disengage with a (1) for free...no cast. Oh, and they're combat 7...ignoring LoS. You know what I have that's combat 7? Viks...yeah...a master. Oh but what about the Punk Zombie you say, don't they have cb 7? Well...they can't throw their katana's over walls now can they?


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I have to say I do not think Guild are broken in fact I am in the camp that they are underpowered. In my gaming groups Guild crews are rare and there losing streaks are massive. If I draw Guild in a tournament I am happy as I know there is a massive chance I am going to win. The only time I have every lost against guild is when I am using Guild.

Ever played Pandora against Sonnia ?

She just burns my ass back to where it came from every time... and you know theres not much space in the box :(

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lol they are cb 9 when Lucius gives them +2 cb and issues command. I have to admit if you can't burn stones you are cheating EVERY time to either avoid getting hit or lessening the damage. Think about it even if you flip a 4 most opponents (defense 4) will need a 9 JUST to tie.

Even if you flip a black joker to hit, while under Lucius' issue command +2 cb your opponent can still get hit! So are Austringers great? Without a doubt even without Lucius i tend to run 1 (to give my local players a break). Their 0 action companion with the farthest reach of ANY ability/spell (not including a zoraida voodoo doll) on a 6+ means you can make that alpha strike THAT much easier.

His only weakness is close combat and as Necromorph has stated quick retreat means they can jump out and toss a falcon at you. With all this though I still think other factions have nastier options so I don't feel as bad when I field both austringers, count your blessings they are rare 2. If there was a way to make an all austringer army i bet most players would flock back to guild.

I think the reason most guild are viewed as weak is because guild have that "space marine" complex. Where a lot of newer players flock to guild for a more "human" faction. Then just switch off to another faction, or people see perceived "outright" power over attempting to figure things out.

Just like any player, the people that have stuck through thick and thin with Guild figured out tricks that weren't evident the first time around. Started creating a more solid crew and do well with them. Maybe it's just me as far as sticking to my guns when it comes to armies. Since about 1998 when i first started gaming I stuck to my orks for 40k. Through the years I saw many other armies get a new codex while I stuck with my list. I learned how to make certain units more viable etc. The lesson behind the story is with enough time you know the limits of your units and the game and you plan accordingly.

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lol they are cb 9 when Lucius gives them +2 cb and issues command. I have to admit if you can't burn stones you are cheating EVERY time to either avoid getting hit or lessening the damage. Think about it even if you flip a 4 most opponents (defense 4) will need a 9 JUST to tie.

Not to forget the + from the Drill Sergeant and the fact that Lucius can reinforce him everywhere he wants...

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when I first started using Lucius I was ALL about the drill sarge a totem with link I always had someone near Lucius and it seemed like a perfect fit. But after a few games I noticed his shooting range ability isn't that great since I tend keep my austringers somewhere off nice and safe so they would not benefit from the "bubble".

in addition with such a low CA he barely cast any of Lucius' spell I gave up trying to do so after a few games. Then I noticed Lucius can also hire other totems I have switched to the Governors Proxy and have never really looked back. +2WP across the board, if you see anything that can cause morale duels make sure to just hide him out of los for an activation.

The higher CA AND the he comes with the required suit for all of Lucius' spells means he is solid. All else fails use him to block up charge lanes or avenues of attacks. I have blindly thrown him into an enemy combat hoping the enemy either wastes time walking out of combat or kills him to initiate a duel to the death.

yes the downside is that i have to have a guardsman "baby sit" Lucius but when isn't it a good idea to make sure your leader has someone around to bail him out of trouble when things go south?

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