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Quick Wyrd GenCon Review

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Here is a quick review of the Wyrd GenCon experience from the perspective of this Brooklyn hipster.

Wyrd Booth: Big and bright. A ton of product on sale. Everything looked professional. Really great to see the painted studio models. The pictures on cards do NOT do them justice. The cashiers were fairly grouchy/disinterested.

Painting Competition: I enjoyed getting to enter some of my dudes (seen elsewhere on the forum) in the big painting comp. Lost out to some really cool entries. Time to start working on next years project...

New Models: Pretty impressed with all the stuff that they had previewed already. Really liked the alts that I hadn't seen (especially Zoriada!). Bought a bunch of stuff for myself and others.

Gaming: Didn't get a chance to play, but the tables looked full. I saw lots of Henchmen around. Most of the gaming was on the new Terraclips. The new scenery was everywhere, but not my thing. Great stuff if you have limited space, I guess. I'll just stick with my Realm of Battle and painted scenery.

New Book: Super excited about this going in. Mostly lived up to my expectations. Book looks great, tons of new, full-page art. The rules are exciting and 'feel right'. Still wish that they would present the background material GW fashion, as opposed to poorly written prose. I want to buy the books, but the fiction makes it a challenge.

In conclusion: Had a blast! Looking forward to more Wyrdness next year. Hope you guys made some monies!


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Thanks for the nice write up. Give me a better idea of what it is to actually be there.

Still wish that they would present the background material GW fashion, as opposed to poorly written prose. I want to buy the books, but the fiction makes it a challenge.

Could you elaborate a bit more on this? I'm not trying to start a GW rant, but I'd like to hear what you consider 'GW fashion', and where the Malifaux fiction lets you down? I'm a Fantasy and Battlefleet Gothic player, and while the latter is more or less alright, the Fantasy background is pretty generic and non-innovative, Mordheim and Warhammer RPG excluded.

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Still wish that they would present the background material GW fashion, as opposed to poorly written prose. I want to buy the books, but the fiction makes it a challenge.

I'm not going to hassle you about this, as everyone definitely has their own view on this sort of thing. I was just reading through some GW stuff (literally, this morning) and was thinking "I hate this crap, I wish it flowed better, like Malifaux." I guess no one is ever going to make everyone completely happy.

I literally chuckled a bit reading your post! I'm glad that you're enjoying it all (with that exception of course!).

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Hey guys!

by "GW fashion", I suppose that i mean that I like the way that GW background material is presented in their army books and rulebooks. I like how the world and locations are described and how you get a picture of what the setting is like in terms of people/monsters/weather/whatever. i'm not arguing about specifics or coolness/originality of setting. i just like how it's presented. i feel that they give their hobbyists a sandbox to play in.

i don't care for the Malifaux fiction. The prose is often awkward or stilted. It just isn't my thing, and pushes me away from the setting, rather than drawing me in.

To summarize: i want a world book with some rules and some character background, not a novella with some rules.


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Thanks for the write-up. With all of the buzz going around I hadn't seen anything that just reviewed the whole experience to date.

That's an interesting take on the GW fluff. You're the first person I've heard say they prefer that to the stuff in the Malifaux books. The fluff in the actual army books and codices from GW is pretty decent, but I think that it's pretty broad and generic where the Malifaux books are much more personal and unique. I think they do a pretty good job of describing the setting but it's secondary to the characters (it is a "character-driven skirmish game" after all :) ) and much of what can be deduced about the setting is drawn from the individual characters themselves, from the way they dress to how they carry themselves.

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The only thing I prefer in the GW/FW books is the layout. The way that all the stories and fluff are all in one place with the rules together at the back of the book rather than being split up like the Wyrd books. This is only a minor issue and more convenience than anything.. they have since released the mini rulebook which makes things easier.

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