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This is just SO UNFAIR!!!!

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i, in germany, am under the expensive but caring wings of a private health insurance... it's great, because not long ago I got my appointment with my doc immediately instead of "in 2-6 weeks" like the regulars... I still feel unsafe, because some angered regular might murder me =P

as for the topic...I can only agree with HatchetHead, calm down *gets some cookies and tea* ^^

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Im not getting into a healthcare debate...as long as I can keep my job ;-)

It does indeed suck, but I really cant complain. Even with the shipping costs (reasonable for the distance), I feel like Wyrd still looks after its customers. The opportunity to get the gencon exclusives AND prereleased models has been fantastic.

That said...i want a puppet teddy :-(

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you must be *joking*. the socialised medical services in the EU and the UK are a joke. You go to a hospital and they overcharge, give very substandard service, and if its any way urgent, you'd better hope you dont keel over, because you'll be waiting hours to be seen.

Take Ireland for instance. The doctors and nurses here are competent in the most part, i'll give them that. But you go to a hospital to be seen and you'll be waiting forever. Like, the average wait time in cork for anything other than *triage me now or im gonna be dying on you right here right now* is close to 8 hours. Longer during busy times and around holidays.

You know the worst part? When folks from the states complain about the cost of medical. Sure, its expensive, but when you do a comparison, the quality of healthcare over there is not only much, much higher, you also have much more access. And its not actually more expensive than over here - you go to a doctor or hospital over in europe and you're gonna be paying almost as much immediately, and more long term, than if you were in the states.

Now, the exceptions to this are in eastern europe, especially around Poland, but the prices there are coming up as well.

/end rant.

But yeah. Im just glad that Wyrd are letting folks order online, and even more that they extended the web order cutoff to wednesday. I'd go nuts if I had to wait till february to get my marcus fix.

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Im not getting into a healthcare debate...as long as I can keep my job ;-)

It does indeed suck, but I really cant complain. Even with the shipping costs (reasonable for the distance), I feel like Wyrd still looks after its customers. The opportunity to get the gencon exclusives AND prereleased models has been fantastic.

That said...i want a puppet teddy :-(

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