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A year long challenge....52 weeks of Criid


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My challenge to play with one master for one year.....

Since starting with Malifaux over a year ago I have amassed all but two of the book 1 and 2 masters (Lady J and dirty dirty Hamlin the plagued) Though I originally played with my first master Dr Douglas for several months I have since drifted from master to master across all the fractions trying to find one that I could settle down with and start perfecting my gaming tactics with (It would be nice to win more than I lose!)

So quickly have I been going between different masters, crews and fractions it has become a bit of a joke in the gaming group I attend weekly, even the local gaming store owner jokes there's nothing left for me to buy each time I drop in for my hobby supplies.

With the new book being released I saw it as an opportunity to try and set myself a goal of sticking with one master for an entire year and trying to improve not only my gaming but my painting skills too.

Having my head turned so easily by new toys I knew it would be best to look at the bits being released at Gencon and choosing one of the masters receiving an early Avatar model from the Gencon event. Making my way through the list I narrowed my choices down to Sonnia or Seamus....obviously due to the threads title I have chosen the lovely Miss Criid who will now be my only active master for the next 52 weeks.

With my order placed for my Gencon goodies (Sonnia's Avatar and Alternate model along with the all important book three) I am now set for the challenge.

My current Sonnia minion options include:-

Mss Criid (obviously)

Samael, 3 Witchling Stalkers, Nino Ortega, Guild Lawyer, Ryle, Guardian, Watcher and Convict Gunslinger all painted and ready for action. Im currently working on Taelor, Francisco and Santiago, all three should be completed within the coming week. I also have another blister of stalkers, the Judge and an Executioner waiting in the wings for the painting treatment.

With my master choice now made and an initial group of minions ready for the off I have played my first game of 35 Soulstones against Rasputina. It ended in a 4-2 win to me only from scheme's completed grudge and holdout, there is plenty of room for improvement and hopefully that will show if I manage to stick with her for the entire year.

I plan on updating this thread weekly with photos of the newly painted minions and details of my games as I play them.

..............also theirs one final thing I forgot to mention, my regular gaming opposition have bet £10 English pounds that I will be unable to stick with Sonnia for a full year...the money is inconsequential however with my gaming pride at stake I plan on keeping that £10.

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Good luck....I too am afflicted with mini ADD or.could be just a completist attitude and Ive had to fight this since Im just getting my first few crews.

I have to.ask since I am torn when it comes to Guild between The Ortegas and Sonnia... which do you find more fun and challenging to play...?

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Good Luck with the challenge. I think Sonnia is versatile enough to keep someones interest for an entire year of gaming. You will become a better player of Sonnia as a result of the exercise.

I played Seamus pretty well exclusively for about a year and was contstantly finding out new ways to play him, now he sits in my current rotation and I still enjoy pulling him out for semi regular games, I actually played in my first Slaughter with him ever last week so you can always learn something new. Try setting yourself another challenge of trying complete all the different schemes too.

Good Luck!

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Thank you for the reply's, luck is what I will need in abundance if I'm to keep the challenge going.I will be putting up photos of my current painted models before the end of the week end.

Comparing Sonnia and the Ortegas (Perdita) is difficult, both are basically a shooting crew but with obvious differences (perditas speed and toughness vs Sonnias huge potential damage output) Im comfortable with the choice of Sonnia and just cant wait for her awesome avatar miniature....whatever the rules are.

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Good luck with the challange!

It's weird, but for me it's the other way around; I own the entire rezzer line, but can't seem to break away from Seamus. Played 1 game with McM, 2 with Nico, 1 with Kiraii and probably 100+ with Seamus.

Seeing the avatar (and the rules) this will probably not change for a while. :D

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  • 1 month later...

A long time since I updated this, but between riots in Brum, holidays, painting my Sonnia Avatar and Alternate model as well as re-basing a select number of my models and doing my best to get as many games in as I could I have forgotten to add anything.

With that said my continued efforts to stick with one master is now into its 5th week and Im already starting to itch. I decided on Sonnia based largely off her Avatar model and with no idea of her rules. Now with book three in my hands many of the other Avatars appeal a lot more (Ramos and Levetics in particular).

However as Im un-willing to hand over £10 to Fulgrima just yet (Though Im less confident I will manage the full year) I will be taking Ms Criid and her buddy's to the Leeds event this coming weekend. This will be my first visit up to Leeds and Im looking forward to testing some of my current theory's on Criids play style and the minions I've been up to now using with her.

After my re-basing efforts I have a slightly more restricted group of models with which to choose from.....

Samael Hopkins, Nino, Francisco, Santiago, VonSchill, Convict Gunslinger, Purifying Flame and 6 Witchling Stalkers.

With the Leeds event being 35 Stone games (The game size I have the most experience with) I will probably be defaulting to a standard 20 Stone list of Samael and three Stalkers. Leaving me 11 stones and the maximum starting soulstone pool of 8.

With the remaining 11 stones allowing me to switch in the appropriate "specialist/specialists" depending on who/what I face each game.

I will put up how I do on Saturday night once I get back home, any advice or tips would be appreciated Im still very new to Guild but looking forward to running them at the weekend.

Thanks for reading this inane waffle I look forward to reading any advice.

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Well Sue plus the Fire gamin should add another neat playstyle, and help you through your year. I play Lady J, Perdita and Sonnia, and of the three I agree Sonnia has the best handle for most situations, some good casting tricks, decent melee and if for some god awful reason she as too, she has a gun! Keep the faith and fire!

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Well Sue plus the Fire gamin should add another neat playstyle, and help you through your year. I play Lady J, Perdita and Sonnia, and of the three I agree Sonnia has the best handle for most situations, some good casting tricks, decent melee and if for some god awful reason she as too, she has a gun! Keep the faith and fire!

Oh yeah! I forgot that Fire Gamin work for Sonia. Sweet!

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Well Sue plus the Fire gamin should add another neat playstyle, and help you through your year. I play Lady J, Perdita and Sonnia, and of the three I agree Sonnia has the best handle for most situations, some good casting tricks, decent melee and if for some god awful reason she as too, she has a gun! Keep the faith and fire!

Do you have to pay out of faction costs for the Fire Gamin? I like the idea of including some with her...

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Hopkins loses value when he gets gangbanged by your opponent at the first chance (he was good in book 1 when it wasn't common for factions to have a lot of quick models). Sue doesn't have 3/4/5 (more importantly 5/6/7 when bullets are active) base like hopkins does so in theory might actually be able to be alive on turn three due to not being target priority #1 from having a huge damage range. He does however have good buff spells that will make your crew as a whole better. Is paired 5 and 2/3/4 with crit built in so basically a buffing Santiago instead of a trigger happy one.

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