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Kirai opinions...


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Hi ...

Im curious about the Kirai ans Seamus boxes and how happynany of you out there are happy.with the models... I know Im getting the Leveticus bix so far but looking for a second and would.go seamus because I really like Molly but I also amdrawn to Kirai because of the story in Rising Powers....

Thought Id ask for opinions...


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I play both, and both are really my only masters as I don't have any desire to really expand anything except options for them both. Seamus' style is much more straight forward. He is very fun to use, the only issue of which is that he only has a few models that he as a master has any direct synergy with. So when you play Seamus you, or at least I, mostly take Rotten Belles. You can mix in some Hanged, Onryo, or Bete Noir for flavor, but the best successes I've had are definitely the legion of Rotten Belles.

Kirai is the Resser's Queen of tricks. She is also very fun to play, and of the two I do tend to play her more often. That being said she is much more complex to play than Seamus is. Seamus' crew only occasionally needs any particular suit, you are often more concerned with just having high cards. Depending on what your crew's makeup is with Kirai you are possibly going to be attempting to manage all the suits in the deck. Rams for healing with the lost love and Datsue-Ba, Crows for Kirai to summon the Ikiryo and for your Melee beat sticks to trigger Maul, Masks for Kirai to go into the Spirit World and Datsue-Ba to guide Spirits, and Tomes to trigger Malevolence from the Onryo and Poison from the Shikome.

In addition you really need to understand how Kirai interacts with her spirits, especially her Seshin.

If you are definitely going with Leveticus I'd recommend Seamus as you next Master. They will share much more overlap of minions than Kirai and Leveticus. However if the siren song of the Japanese spirits truly calls to you I think you will have great fun with Kirai.

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