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Hi everybody! <3

I'm very new to Malifaux -- only played a couple of games so far, but I'm already addicted! A dear friend of mine introduced me to it and I'm quite glad that he did. I live in Florida (Tampa Bay area) and have been something of an RPG nerd for years, though this is my first miniatures game.

Right now I typically run with Lilith's crew, partially because I find her easy to play as a beginner, and partially because all of the references to mythological texts found with the Nephilim characters make me waaaaay happier than they should. As I get better at the game I hope to start investigating Collette and Sheamus for the sheer sake of being able to command armies of hookers, undead or otherwise. Knowing my completionist ways, however, it'll probably go far beyond that, hah!

Pleased to meet you all ^.~

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Hello Persephone! What an amazing name!

Now I have to say I am absolutely thrilled to pieces that you have taken Lilith under your wing. She is wonderful to play and is so sweet! Taking this on board, please take a sweetie of your choice and have a fabulous time here in Malifaux. :) I hope you enjoy your stay, and if you need anything please holla. :)

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Welcome to the game, I've yet to try out Lilith, but she and her cronies do look a lot of fun. I play Colette myself (was my first crew) and really like the style of the Showgirls, but they aren't easy to get on with when you start them, they have a bit of a learning curve (some some very sly tricks, heheh).

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Thank you kindly, all! :)

Hayzel: The myth of Persephone is totally my favourite ever. <3 So I'm a bit of a dork and use her name, or some variation thereof, pretty much everywhere I go. For my sweeties, I choose... Malteasers!

Lonely: Yes, that's exactly what I was warned about when I expressed an interest in starting out with Collette. I've seen her in play at least once, though, and I think she is absolutely fantastic (though indeed out of my skillset at the current time). The trickier, the better!

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