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Marcus in the City - 35SS


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So I've decided to go Team Marcus as it were, picking up his alternative version first then buying his crew seperately (don't want people to know how much I'm spending..)

Since I am going to rely on Terraclips quite a bit, and I want to collect multiple Marcus crews I thought about starting with a city themed crew. Here's what I came up with:

Marcus (Cache: 4)



3 Silurids

4 Guild Hounds/Night Terrors

Note: I would have a (heavily converted) Shikome for Myranda to turn into.

I love Silurids and imagine them coming from the sewers and both Guild Hounds and Night Terrors fit the nocturnal theme I'm going for while giving me a relatively high model count. I can always drop the Jackalope for an extra SS but I like him too.

Tactic wise it's really just Silurids and Shikome either flank, GH/NT move up centre with Marcus and Jackalope moves somewhere between Marcus and Myranda/Shikome.

I can't think of anything I'd rather take in the context of Terraclips. My next crew will likely be winter/tundra themed.


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Hmm.. i don´t like the Idea of a changing Myranda... for a shikome... since you have to spend a whole turn to get a prey...

Myranda always is worth it if you have someone she could coppy spells of...

I was realy disapointed about the silurids aswell... but.. i think they could work...


What is your plan with the terrors...

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My first instinct is that you're going to be seriously restricted on where you can project power. The silurids hit hard, but have to stay together as a pack. Myranda has always been underwhelming to me, and if you're getting her primarily to shapechange into a Shikome, why not just take a Shikome so you can take advantage of the Prey?

It's not out yet, but Rogue Necromancy would probably fit your theme pretty well too.

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Myranda does get prey as soon as she transforms into the shikome. It's probably best to wait to transform to be able to pick your target to get the combat bonuses.

No she doesn't. Shikome receives Prey at the start of the game or when summoned. Shapeshifting into Shikome is neither.


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Thanks for the input. I like Myranda for her versatility, but wasn't aware she wouldn't get Prey as Shikome. I'd have to drop Jackalope to afford Shikome, but I could always say she turned into it before the game. Fact is I'll get and try just about anything that fits my theme including Rogue Necromancy. As for the Night Terrors, I didn't realize they'd been revised since RP but I figured they'd be a bit more mobile and help harass my enemy (Blind, etc) while defending Marcus with Flock Together. I like Silurids very much so they're a given, plus there should be plenty of things I can call water feature in Terraclips Sewers.

You should also take into account this crew is purely based on fighting on Terraclips, with walls and balconies being the main terrain features.

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I like Myranda for her versatility. She is pretty good as is and depending on what else is on the board, her Furious Casting can be amazing.

I also think she is good as a Shikome. The Shikome can't hardly do anything with prey, except kill that prey. Without prey, it can attack anything it wants - it still hits hard, still attacks DF or WP, still has the Maul trigger, still has amazing mobility, and is still hard as hell to put down. The mobility alone makes it a great asset in a Marcus crew since he is mostly about guerrilla tactics.

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I believe the Shikome could get Prey since it could do (All)New Prey or whatever it's called. Wouldn't that work? She's still good either way.

Oh and Myranda's Shapechange, does she change back if she does a (0) action as the Beast or is it one of her own (0) actions?

And yes I love Marcus for his hit and run tactics, I think that might work rather well on Terraclips.

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If Marcus doesnt run 2 Shikome, you're not playing him right! Alone Shikome rock, in a list full of beasts? Bejesus. A third Shikome? Bring it on.

I honestly don't know why I haven't bought Marcus yet.

PS. I make no promises about the quality of this post since I dont play Marcus.

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If Marcus doesnt run 2 Shikome, you're not playing him right! Alone Shikome rock, in a list full of beasts? Bejesus. A third Shikome? Bring it on.

As I mentioned earlier - a hired Shikome will have Prey up right away and limits it's options. So I think too many would be bad.

I believe the Shikome could get Prey since it could do (All)New Prey or whatever it's called. Wouldn't that work? She's still good either way.

Oh and Myranda's Shapechange, does she change back if she does a (0) action as the Beast or is it one of her own (0) actions?

She could use the (All) if she wanted to. Just not always worth it IMO since it reduces her attack options and she would lose a turn to do it.

Myranda was errata'd that when she uses her shapechange she gains the (0) action "Revert". She only changes back by using that - so she can use any (0) abilities that the beast has.

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I'll second what dgraz said on both counts - Myranda can get a Prey, but you have to spend a turn getting the shapechange to go, and then the (all) for New Prey. That takes an awful lot of time.

As for multiple Shikome... I'm in the camp that thinks they're too expensive to run multiples, and it limits your targeting too much. Marcus has a relatively bad shortage of good low-cost models, two Shikome doesn't leave you a whole lot of room to work with. One model only being able to hit one target I'm cool with - half my crew only able to hit one (or two) targets is a lot more limiting.

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