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Rock Paper Scissors - Arcanist Edition.


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I thought it would be fun to create threads in my faction forums (arcanist and neverborn) to debate some of the harder matchups for our specific rocks. I'll post a matchup that I don't particularly like getting, or even a strategy draw that ruins my day, and feel free to post what you would do, and then a problem strategy or master of your own. (Marcus players, please don't post everything, we don't have that much time. I'm kidding. not really. no I'm kidding)

(Granted you can build your army for specific strategies, but some nights I only bring a single list to my LGS)

When I play rasputina and I know my opponent is playing neverborn, my biggest hope is that I am not going up against Lilith. Her speed and her models threat range (the lelitu bomb specifically), allows her to pull my mirrors out of cast range and kill them seperately.

I feel a little less intimidated by this with the appearence of snowstorm in my LGS and his "Raspy Delivery SystemTM." but I still think she is an utter pain in the arse.

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I had that recently, although I was lucky enough that he clumped three models together and I had the red joker in hand. A single negative flip for damage is never scary with the essence of power handy. Destroyed two of the models, then the third, and casting expert took out half of Lilith.

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Hum being a Lilith and Raspy player I would say its not your best match up but snowstorm will help it gives you speed an a spirit takes half damage from all of Lilith and can deal out enough damage. I think your biggest friend is going to be the Silent one just to start sniping from 13-19 inches which give you a full turn or 2 of spells before they hit you.

Also remember it doesn't matter if you give them a positive twist with gaimen get a book out if you can to stop activations. One overpower will make it so you kill 2-3 models and try to attack around Lilitu and blast onto her.

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I think to some degree all of Malifaux is the rock paper scicors thing. Your going to be great against some masters mediocre against others and have a hiribal odds against even others. When I am praying my Raspy list the only master I am really scared of would be Sonia Criid because she just laughs at magic. As far as Neverborn go Collodii can be deficit because he is just so darn fast and he can make his dolls hard to kill. It comes down to if I can get a few good spells off before he is in close combat. So tarain and the schemes we flip end up decideing the game.

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I think to some degree all of Malifaux is the rock paper scicors thing. Your going to be great against some masters mediocre against others and have a hiribal odds against even others. When I am praying my Raspy list the only master I am really scared of would be Sonia Criid because she just laughs at magic. As far as Neverborn go Collodii can be deficit because he is just so darn fast and he can make his dolls hard to kill. It comes down to if I can get a few good spells off before he is in close combat. So tarain and the schemes we flip end up decideing the game.

That's exactly the case, if you can get some spells off nicely, you're in no 'real' danger. In the game I mentioned above, by the end of turn one, he lost three models out of five, by the end of turn two he lost Lilith, and by the end of turn three... well, we didn't get there...

I was using my standard Rasputina list for 30SS (I've not been playing too long, so the model count is still low):


Essence of Power

Silent One

Ice Golem

3 x Ice Gamin

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Yea that's probably a better list. I love running snow storm but I am not sure yet if he is worth all his points. He helps push stuff around and he is good in combat, but I feel like taking tree ice gaimen may be a better rout.

I've had one game with a Snow Storm (proxied cos mine's still on it's way). The Snow Storm works well, but I think it's one of those things for a bigger game. I'm toying with getting a couple more crews, but with Rasputina, in a large scrap, he's worth it. Played a couple of 55 SS games, one with him, one without, and yeah - he's worth his points. Just not in a small game of 30 SS or less.

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