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Ikiryo WIP, seeking opinions


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So I sat down today after a mostly ok day but with some work on a roof, and painted a lot on my Ikiryo. Now I'm not sure whether or not I like what I have, which is more or less the final product. I kind of painted it in a feverish state, as it were. I welcome all opinions and feedback.



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To me the green is a little too in your face considering the palette of the rest of the mini, I think if you can mute that down a bit the mini will be better off for it. I have always seen the Ikiryos 'face' as being a mask as well so you could maybe start there and see how it goes?

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Yeah, I agree with Osoi. The green seems a little much. Not sure what to recommend instead... Curious why you chose that shade of green, though.

The original idea was to have the skin "glow" a sort of ghastly/ghostly green. I had originally done the kimono in a set of greens, but didn't like it, so washed over it with light grey. I like the effect, but want more skin glow, like, nuclear (nucular? ;-)) glow.

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Hm. I can see where you were going with it now. Well, if you want more glow, I'd add yellow and white. However, I think the discordant element in that case would be the blue of the hair. A more neutral/paler shade might work better.

I'll have to give this some thought. I'm worried that if I tone it down too much it'll look like the robe. Any color suggestions while I'm away at work?

I kept getting the impression that the face was a mask. I'll have to go back over it. I haven't tried OSL before though, any suggestions?

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Ok, after getting some good feedback and things to try, this is the result. I redid the hair and I like how it turned out, hit the skin with a wash and redid a bit of layering, then followed it up with my first attempt at OSL.



Edited by Mydnight
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