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Its just unfortunate you can't keep stacking hoarcats to devour larger and larger targets. I want to see 4 hoarcats eat Nekima.

If I keep using Hoarcats, my goal is going to be to get their "enhanced" Devour off successfully on someone's prize minion. Unfortunately, plain 'ol "living" enemy models are becoming exceedingly rare, but hopefully I'll get to eat a Guild model, or something. I'm hoping for an Ortega. ;)

Regarding Hoarcats v. Silurids: Honestly, one could easily start every Marcus crew with 2 Silurids, and have a solid base. They're fantastic models for their cost, all things considered.

However, I've been running into crews that have lots of Spirits or Armor'd models (made worse if they're also Constructs,) which are two targets that Silurids kind of bounce off of (due to their "death by one thousand paper cuts approach.)

Granted, even in those situations, Silurids can still kick out a bit 'o damage, and they're still fast as hell so you can use them to grab objectives. But I'm also trying to entertain other 5 SS options (which is....Hoarcats, at this point?) that are maybe more damage oriented, and then taking something like Night Terrors to go nab objectives.

It'll be an interesting experiment, and I'm sure I'll end up back with Silurids before too long ("I can't quit you, fish people,") but Marcus has so damn many options, it seems like a shame to not give all of 'em a few games experience.

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If I keep using Hoarcats, my goal is going to be to get their "enhanced" Devour off successfully on someone's prize minion. Unfortunately, plain 'ol "living" enemy models are becoming exceedingly rare, but hopefully I'll get to eat a Guild model, or something. I'm hoping for an Ortega. ;)

I've successfully devoured the Executioner. Not sure how much better it gets.

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Couple of things I recently saw guys:

you cannot copy spells or abilities from avatars. If you check the avatar rules that precede the guild avatars in twisting fates, its about halfway down the left hand side of the page.

It sucks, because it prevents myranda copying instinctive behaviour, and lazarus copying anything from avatar ramos.

on the plus side, it stops the doppelganger copying really nice abilities off avatars too.

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Couple of things I recently saw guys:

you cannot copy spells or abilities from avatars. If you check the avatar rules that precede the guild avatars in twisting fates, its about halfway down the left hand side of the page.

It sucks, because it prevents myranda copying instinctive behaviour, and lazarus copying anything from avatar ramos.

on the plus side, it stops the doppelganger copying really nice abilities off avatars too.

Damn good catch! I always forget those "general" rules. ;)

Totally right about the Doppleganger comment - I can't even begin to imagine the shenanigans that could occur if you could copy Avatar abilities with that thing in Neverborn crews.

Played a really, really fun game against a buddy of mine using his Vikis crew, on a Terraclips sewer board; I'll post up some thoughts from that game tomorrow-ish.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Played one of the old Halloween scenarios on (shock) this past Halloween. The Trick or Treat at 4 buildings scenario

Took Marcus, 2 Sabertooth Kitties and 2 Silurid (as i didn't want to proxy anything) against Hamelin, some Crooligans, Rat Catchers, Stolen and the Wretch.

Turn one involved a lot of leaping beasts, knocking on the two close buildings and getting into position to knock on the 2 far buildings, unfortunately I got nothing but tricks. Hamelin's crew moved up knocking on the two buildings closer to his side, getting nothing but treats (boo). The Wretch sacrifices one Stolen to attempt to make Marcus insignificant and fails.

Turn 2 Hamelin sees Marcus in range and tries to make him insignificant, failing on both attempts. Marcus realizes Hamelin is in range as well, charges and bashes Hamelin's head in with 3 severe damage strikes. Yay Marcus. Needed to use all my soulstones to avoid turning insignificant and kill Hamelin, boo. At some point Hamelin's other Stolen had been turned into a rat(can't remember when), so now Hamelin was down Hamelin himself, the Wretch and both Stolen, but up 3 rats. The 3 rats and 2 rat catchers pile into Marcus and take him down. Boo.

Following turns follow a similar sequence, with my Kitties running in to kill a Rat Catcher then get overwhelmed by Rats, though at some point I do spend time knocking on doors and getting 3 treats, but by turn 4 all my models were dead and the Rats and Crooligans were still running around knocking on doors and getting treats.

Ended up losing 6 treats to 3.

I just went back and read the Pull My Finger entry and realized my big problem. "Marcus - The Beast Master. Not a lot of direct damage spells. With his crew of beasts he plays an aggressive hit-and-run game."

I keep hitting but I keep forgetting to run. Must run away more.

Looking back at the game, after turn 2, when Hamelin and Marcus died, I had 4 models on 4 buildings with enough speed to circle the buildings (since knocking at the doors wasn't needed) trick-or-treat and stay away from my opponent. He was, meanwhile, stuck in an alley between two buildings and would have had trouble knocking on as many doors/buildings as I could, without losing his swarm bonuses.

Oh well, at least I'm learning from my errors. Now to actually put some of that into practice.

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I like Marcus in the fluff and concept wise, he is rather unique. But being the budget gamer that I am, it scares me that based on what I've read, just starting a crew with him requires an investment. Not to mention the fact many see him as very weak (wether that is fact or not I do not know, but many say it is).

More power to all of you for using him. If he didn't need many models, I would use him (Druids are among my top 3 D&D classes). :)

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...being the budget gamer that I am, it scares me that based on what I've read, just starting a crew with him requires an investment. Not to mention the fact many see him as very weak (wether that is fact or not I do not know, but many say it is).

I think it's exploiting all the possibilities that requires a solid investment, but if you play the models of your liking (you'll probably do), you'll need the same size of an army transport that you'd need with any other masters. What hits you budget-wise is the special model selection of Marcus, so you can't swap 2-3-4 pieces and play another master right away. But that's an arcanist thing, really.

Weakness: altrough I consider him somehow unobtrusive, so far he's the only master I won a tourney with :)

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I find him to be deceptively powerful. His crew might be a little on the fragile side, but they can be tailored to almost any situation and have a fair bit of hitting power.

So far I'm 6 games in with 4 wins-2 draws-0 losses, so I think he's just fine. Just have to remember he wasn't designed as a straight up brawler. You have to play the missions properly to win with him.

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I think it's exploiting all the possibilities that requires a solid investment, but if you play the models of your liking (you'll probably do), you'll need the same size of an army transport that you'd need with any other masters. What hits you budget-wise is the special model selection of Marcus, so you can't swap 2-3-4 pieces and play another master right away. But that's an arcanist thing, really.

But you can also just play ressers as well and field your Terrors, RN and Shikomes in both crews :P

(the initial reason why i picked up Ressers after Markus)

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Here is a hard question: is it possible to do a "fluffy" / fiction based list with Marcus that still runs well?

Another Question: How good is Kaeris with Marcus? I see many list of them together but she liking Fire Gamin seems contradictory to Marcus liking Beasts over Constructs. If she is that good, would her Box plus Marcus blister be a good way to start him?

And you can pick Zoraida with the silurid posse and waldgeists. That's why I'd recommend to start Marcus with the stand-alone Marcus blister, the Zoraida box and a blister of waldgeists, thus one gets two excellent crews of 25 SS for a fair price.

That sounds....interesting...but weird to run an Arcanist master with non-Arcanist models.

Besides the above, what is the cheapest (monetary wise) but still good 25SS Marcus list?

Edited by Da Big Baws
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Here is a hard question: is it possible to do a "fluffy" / fiction based list with Marcus that still runs well?

That's actually what I'm working on now, and it's pretty rough, honestly. Granted, if you go by the most current fluff (Book 3,) you have some interesting models to work with, but it also means you're sticking with Myranda, which can be frustrating (she can be decent, but I think she suffers a lot from "Book 1 minion" design.)

That said, aside from Myranda and the gift Marcus gets in Book 3, there really isn't a lot of fluff around his lists, so you can feel free to include whatever. A still "fluffy" approach is to go with as many Beasts as possible, which can work in some situations, but I find its really, really useful to splash in some non-Beast models to fill other roles (specifically: ranged support.)

Another Question: How good is Kaeris with Marcus? I see many list of them together but she liking Fire Gamin seems contradictory to Marcus liking Beasts over Constructs. If she is that good, would her Box plus Marcus blister be a good way to start him?

Unrocky has used the pair together with a ton of success, so hopefully he can comment more about his experiences. If you want to read about his in-game experiences with her, check out his thread here:


Based on his glowing successes with her, I picked up Kaeris recently and all I can say is: believe the hype. :)

While she doesn't explicitly enhance Marcus' play style, Kaeris is a strong model in-and-of herself, and because she can kick out very respectable damage while still offering some very solid table control, she's a very solid addition.

One warning: Kaeris loves to eat up some Soulstones, as does Marcus, so if you're bringing both of them make sure you have a big cache (i.e. 8!) because they're going to go through it quick.

That sounds....interesting...but weird to run an Arcanist master with non-Arcanist models.

Welcome to Marcus. :) All of his best Minion choices are, right now, non-Arcanist. Silurids and Night Terrors are fantastic objective grabbers, and Shikome's offer very solid damage output, resilience, and a good damage buff for your crew.

That said, it's not like the Arcanist Beast minions are completely terrible. Book 3 added some solid options with the Blessed of December and the Slate Ridge Mauler, and the Arcanist Beasts in Book 1 range from not-bad-but-not-great (Razorspine, Cerberus,) to okay (Hoarcats,) to actually pretty good (Molemen.)

The issue that Marcus is currently running into is that most other Masters have plenty of "in theme" Minions that are "awesome," whereas the Arcanist Beast minions are usually "pretty good" at best.

Its why I'm hoping Book 4 brings some kind of Beast buffing model for Marcus. With just a little bit of love, a lot of Marcus' choices would be pretty damn excellent.

Besides the above, what is the cheapest (monetary wise) but still good 25SS Marcus list?

Check out the 2nd page of this thread:


There are some really good ideas in there.

For my part, I'd say a good cheap starting place for Marcus would be something like:

Arcanists Crew - 25 - Scrap

6 Pool

  • Shikome

  • Silurid

  • Silurid

  • Silurid

Only 3 blisters to purchase ($37.50 USD total,) and you have a pretty well rounded crew that contains common components of higher SS level Marcus lists.

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How good is Kaeris with Marcus?

Awesome, but only if she has a student of conflict ;)

The only thing I'd run out of her box (which I have), is one gunsmith, I don't rate the fire gamin etc.

Cheapest 25ss Marcus list would indeed be slurrids + one other slightly more expensive beast/minion.

The problem with running fluff based marcus lists (which I'm all for), is that he doesn't do anything at all for beasts so I have no reason to bring all beasts. He brings next to no constant buffs (unlike Collodi's +2wp aura, Ramos' using of scrap counters with constructs and so on), so I might as well just take the best cost minions I can...

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  • 2 weeks later...
How do you guys feel about Guild Hounds as objective runners as opposed to Night Terrors or Silurids?

Love them I've used them a cuple of times and have had great luck with them With most of the costs for Beasts being so high, having an option for a fast low cost objective grabber was all Marcus needed and hounds are just right for theat

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IMO the hounds are really only worth it when you can take advantage of Guild Kennels.

In a Marcus crew, Night Terrors are vastly superior.

EDIT (after re-reading the initial question responded to above):

In my experience, Hounds are poor objective grabbers. Once your opponent clues in on the fact that you need more than one Hound to take/hold an objective, they'll dedicate enough to kill off the one Hound, leaving you with one now Insignificant Hound.

You can of course fix this problem by taking more Hounds, but then you're not really dealing with cheap objective grabbers anymore. ;)

Even then, Night Terrors are cheap, fast, independent models, which are great for their purpose. If you take a pair of them, either or both can take objectives, which gives you a lot more flexibility than with the Hounds.


Additionally, because enough of their abilities rely on activating near the Master/other Hounds, they don't work very well as "activation spacers," but Marcus' 3 SS models do.

Edited by Nephalumps
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  • 2 weeks later...

I got a question, if I wanted to try a Marcus crew only using Puppet Wars models from one of each booster + base set, what would you run?

I think all you could use are:

Marcus (duh)



December Acolyte (2x)

Razorspine Rattler (2x)

Ice Golem

Guild Hound

Sirulid (2x)


Convict Gunslinger (2x)

Ronin (2x)

Not a great pool I think. I own the base set and one of each booster (except the Multiplayer one which has Marcus and Joss but I'll get it later) hence my inquiry. :)

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