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Chicago Malifaux Tournament 8/20/2011


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Games Plus

101 West Prospect Ave

Mount Prospect, IL 60056

(847) 577-9656


August 20th 2011

Registration starts at 10:30 AM

First round begins at 11:30 AM

Rounds will be 85 minutes


Malifaux Gaining Ground tournament

35 Stone Scrap

Random Core Encounters

All Schemes available but unique

Single Faction

Domination scoring format (VP/DIFF/TP)

Book 3 models and rules will be in effect.

Proxy rules will be using the Chicago standard. IE You may proxy one unreleased model per round. If the model is common or Rare X you may proxy more then one of that model. Proxies must be painted and must represent the proxy model accurately. You must also create a 3x5 index card for each proxy model(including multiple of the same model). All proxies must be approved by the TO before the tourney begins.

Special rule: Proxy avatars. For this tournament Avatar proxies are excluded from the rules above. So you may proxy an Avatar as well as one other unreleased minion. For this tournament any avatar may be proxied (even those released during Gencon since not everyone was able to go). You still need to create a 3x5 card or cards with your rules. Avatars that just become larger versions of themselves may be proxied putting a 50mm base under the model. Avatars requiring multiple models must have appropriately themed models

Painting contest: Best Single model

$10 Dollar entry fee for prize support


1) Trag Sifarin

2) Mydnight

3) slartibartfast

4) Acefisher1

5) Fetid Strumpet

6) Extro

7) Necrarch

8) ADS627

9) Jokerohki

10) Piscinarii

11) Fool

12) Pipeline

13) beowulfthehunter

14) Bret

15) Subötai



Edited by nilus
Added cost for prize support
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Put me down. What is the ruling on using models not out yet?

For Book 2 models I am going with my generic proxy rule which is you may proxy one model(or group of same models) per round. Proxies must be recognizable as the model they are replacing, so you can't say a Lego Santa is the Molly Squidpidge.

For Book 3, I am gonna make an official ruling as soon as I can see the book and get an idea of what is in there.

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Bring the wife along. Nothing says romance like a room full of sweaty gamers moving toy soldiers around for 6+ hours :)

Oh I assure you, if i'm there she will be as well. She has one crew at the moment and is working on her second. Not sure if she'll want to play though. Not really into the competitive scene. She's more of the hobbyist than player.

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Bump and updates

1) Increased the entry fee to $10. Means a bit better gift certificates at the end of the tourney

2) There will be a painting contest for the best painted single mini

3) Proxy rules added. For normal unreleased minions we will use the limit 1 rule. You may only proxy 1 model each round(or multiple of the same model).

Avatars are excluded from that though, I am allowing Avatar proxies for any Avatar even ones technically released at Gencon. Also allowing people to simple proxy Avatars(IE drop a 50mm base under your master to represent they are an Avatar now). Multi-model Avatars will need model to represent there other parts though.

Basically I want people to try Avatars this tourney and have fun. After this one they will probably fall under the standard proxy rules but I am doing something a little different for this post Gencon tourney.

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