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What have you modeled/painted today?


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So, stealing this from the privateer press forums, it was always fun to hear from folks what they were working on. The idea is just to keep a running log of what people are working on, and how much progress was made during the day. Photos aren't required, although links to threads in the Miniatures Showcase would be cool. :)

I've just gotten Snowstorm all painted up, Snow is now on the base with her massive protector, and I'm about to start working on my Kirai Starter for my "Tale of" project, and get the bases figured out.

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I painted my Freikorps Librarian and Von Schill tonight, and finally got some clear coat on those two and my trapper. Hoping to have my entire Freikorps box set finished by Sunday. Then I just have both Viks, Taelor, Jack Daw, one more Ronin, Bispop and Hans to finish before Gencon. If I don't get what I have now finished, I will be overwhelmed as all hell with all the shit I buy and will need to paint after Gencon.

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I'm not a fast painter and don't get much chance to paint for longer than 20mins or so but hey, i'll join in as i do get to at least put brush to pewter on most days during my lunch break

I've finished up an alternate Lelu & Lilitu and have been working on an alternate Convict Gunslinger and a Hell Dorado Damn of Anger (maybe to base and use as a Flesh Construct but mostly because i love the model)

Unforunately the minis i wanted to paint i left at our games club on Sunday after i primed them, a Pandora box and some creepy leaved bases i threw together for them

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Today I worked on the Magewrath Throne and whatever the other one that comes in that box is called for work. I got most of the throne assembled, despite its best efforts to stop me. It looks cool, but structurally it is a poorly designed piece.

Friday will be too busy, but hopefully I can start painting them on Saturday, if the boss lets me know how much paint I can comp out...

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Datsue-Ba and I? Very much fighting. She's being incredibly stubborn about not staying on her base...

Update: Alright, well she and I fought it out, but the super glue eventually won it to my favor...Spirits of Vengeance box set assembled, based and primed! Probably going to start with an Onryo and figure out overall colors. Really thinking of doing a black kimono for Kirai though...

Edited by edonil
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Dude. What the hell. You doing that in your car?

Yeah man, it's been mentioned before, I work for myself by myself (ironically as a painter and decorator) so I take a tray of paints to work and paint in my lunchbreak (mostly..) i have two young uns so I dont paint at home till there asleep and there's better light during the day ;)

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Well, today's painting break has my Sillurid stand-ins (i know, i know, i'll get to some genuine figs shortly i promise) basecoated and my first real attempt at highlighting black begun... It's only first highlight layer so far but still, usually i chicken out and just leave black flat or gloss it but i figured with the low model count in Malifaux it'd give me a chance to push myself a little more, worst case i can always repaint the coat black and gloss it like I'd normally have done

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