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Lucius: a beginning


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So, I've decided to delve into the world of malifaux and my master/henchman of choice is Lucius. I've heard that most games are played at 35SS? Well with that in mind I tried putting a list together after reading the Tactica thread as well as some others. This is what I came up with:

Lucius -- 3 Cache

Drill Sergeant [3ss]

Guild Austringer [5ss]

Guild Guard [4ss]

Guild Guard [4ss]

Guild Guard [4ss]

Guild Guard [4ss]

Guild Guard Captain [7ss]

Guild Hound [3ss]

Guild Hound [3ss]

Now, in regards to activating everything at once, or at least a good chunk of it, is it right that things would work out with Lucius activating, then the companions, then the captain ordering a guild guard and finally that guard activating his three friends? I put the dogs in...err...because it seemed like the right thing to do?

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Lucius doesn't actually activate you as much as his spell makes friendly guardsmen make a strike or walk. So if you have 8+ in your hand you can rapid fire attacks on a target. Use his 0 action and its even at +2 cb! Try and dodge that!

I prefer the governers proxy as of lately, a 1ss cheaper gives friendly models +2 wp and has a higher ca with required suit so he can reliably focus to get off lucius' spells. All else fails run him towards a low wp high cost model and hope he kills him. Wp vs wp on the enemy if they fail they are killed.

As far as actual activations lucius totem guard captain austringer and any other model can be chain activated if you need it.

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So the governor's proxy for who? I'm not quite sure who you're referring too for comparison. How does the austringer activate? I thought the captain only referred to guardsmen?

edit: Also I'm pretty sure Lucius can't have the governor's proxy. Also, what if I dropped a guard for another Austringer instead?

Edited by SgtoSunshine
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So the governor's proxy for who? I'm not quite sure who you're referring too for comparison. How does the austringer activate? I thought the captain only referred to guardsmen?

edit: Also I'm pretty sure Lucius can't have the governor's proxy. Also, what if I dropped a guard for another Austringer instead?

He is saying drop the Drill Sargent and put in the Governor's Proxy. He is a generic totem so he can be attached to any master. As for how the Austringer activates, the Captain can activate him because the Austringer counts as a Gaurdsman as well.

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I didn't fine comb the rules but it says "non master gets :+fate to melee" not sure if henchmen count as masters when leading a crew or not?

lucius should never go into combat expecting to actually fight his own battles. I use him to bog people down with his abilities. People cannot afford to ignore him in hand to hand, they are going to have to burn cards if they both terrifying AND they will always be at :-fate to hit him.

Which is the reason why i prefer the governor's proxy, with a ca of 5 :rams. He can cast Lucius' spells quite easily compared to the drill sarge. If i don't want to cheat i just "channel" the spell worse comes to worse "guild intelligence" to cycle out my hand.

Also because I run:

Lucius (4ss)

Gov Proxy

Guardsmen x2

Austringer x2


Guildguard Captain

that extra 1ss I gain from using the proxy over the drill sarge means i get a second austringer who i found to be infinitely useful. Ever rapid fired double austringers? You can hide behind cover fire their raptors 8 times! and the unless the opponent ignores severe terrain they are going to have to trudge through that EVERY turn.

Having the Captain/Ryle take the brunt of the attack while guardsmen can do as they please. Which deters most would be attackers, Ryle is quite a mobile gun platform and you should never have a problem getting 2 shots a turn if you are lucky all 3 actions should be used for shooting. There is no way to tie him down in close combat (well maybe only 1 way).

The Drill Sarge does have some merit though, the fact that he is a guardsmen so lucius benefits from the +2 df as well as when things go dire sacrificing the sarge in order to reactivate. But so far i really haven't noticed a big difference as i just keep a guardsmen as a personal bodyguard to lucius if i think the enemy may make a run on him.

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Oohhh, alright. I wasn't aware of that. I suppose its listed somewhere on its card or entry and I missed it? Also, wouldn't the Drill Sergeant be better for the combat bonus?

On the cards under the name of the model will list anything important like in the case of the Austringer it says Guardsman. Or for example under Nino it says Unique and Family (this is how you know you can only have one Nino in your crew and that he can companion with the rest of the Perdita crew).

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Your initial list can have everyone actiate in one activation.

If you are wanting this, and relying on a gunline then you will probably find the Drill sergent more useful than the govenors proxy.

Your initail list would have you announcing the activation of Lucius and all the models with companion (master) which would be the drill sergent, the dogs and the captain. You can choose the order these activate in. The Captain can use his 0 action to force a guardsman to activate after him (this will interupt the companion chain). You would then activate the austringer, and use its deliver orders to activate a guild guard after it, who would thm do its all action to activate the other guards. After all this you carry on with the companion chain.

Whilst this can have a good effect, its not something you will want to do every game, let alone every turn.

My personal preference is for the drill sergent and to link him to Ryle, giving me plenty of control of Ryles movement. It also means I'm not spending totem actions on moving the totem to the right place.

But it does depend stongly on what I'm likely to be facing, and what I need my forces to do. The willpower bonus can be huge against some crews.

And if I'm doing something like plant evidence or destroy evidence, I'm not going to be using a gunline to much effect.

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Yes, I was going for the gun line originally, but it seems like Malifaux isn't as straight forward when it comes to objectives as other games. I noticed you mentioned it "depends on what crew I'm facing". Does this mean that making an effective 'all-comers' list is hard to achieve or perhaps not possible?

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You can go the all comers route if you want, but you will be penalising yourself.

For example

Neverbourne and Ressurectionists probably have the most things targeting willpower, so you might find aganist them the proxy is more useful than the drill sergent

And as I said the gun line is not going to be the best for a lot of the match ups. Some times it'll work wonderfully, and then other times they will have a set of missions where they can avoid you, or you need to cross the board so can't set it up in a good spot.

I've faced 80 points of Guild, lost every single model I put on the table, only killed 3 of his models and was unlucky to only have a draw to show for it. I had three different ways to get my last interaction required for the win, and everything I did just failed.

Killing is not the be all and end all of Malifaux.

If you are starting and are on a budget, then a fixed list is certyainly do-able and is often doen in tournements, but I wouldn't then start with something as restrictive as the extreme gun line.

Too much of the game requires moving and positioning. The Lucius box, a totem, and austringer and a blister of guild guard will let you field a good mix of models depending on what you and your opponent need to do. The hounds will probably be useful, but I've done well with out them so far.

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Alright, so I'll try to pick those up then. Seems like a respectable start. Thanks for the tip. Anything I should look out for while fielding lucius?

edit: In regards to the Drill Sergeant's advanced training affecting lucius...it doesn't right? The inclusion of model is a bit iffy, but the henchman rules would make sure that lucius does not benefit as long as he's leading, correct?

Edited by SgtoSunshine
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I Link the Drill sergent to either Ryle or a Guard Captain.

They are my prefered close combat troops, and the push into base contact from the link means I can set up Ryles 0 action next turn.

Remember there is a big difference between linked and connected.

My biggest problem with Lucius is spirits, but unless I have slaughter against Kirai who is also fielding Jack daw, its not insurmountable.

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Linking to Ryle would be interesting because with Ryle every turn you could use his 0 ability to push away from the closest living model which would be the Drill Sargent every turn, then the Drill Sargent would snap to his base.

So you could make sure you could steer Ryle where you needed him.

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Oh true, I hadn't considered that. That is pretty neat, and a nice way of giving him mobility. One of the other boxes that I've been eyeing up has been the freikorps. What are the differences between playing Von Schill and Lucius? From first glance it seems to me that Lucius offers more damage to the rest of his army where as Von Schill hands out defensive type buffs with a medic also being able to dish out healing every which way.

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For now Lucius has limited choices when fielded as a leader which boil down to: Ryle, Guardsmen, Captain, Totems, Austringers and Hounds. I have a feeling that the book coming out in August will add a few more elite division/guardsmen for Lucius to play with.

As mentioned Lucius is in a tough spot when it comes to eliminating spirits due to the only magical weapon/spell you have is hidden sniper. Even then you need certain cards to even use it. The only spirit that i have faced is Dastu be, so i tend to alpha strike it before it has a chance to heal/run away. Though I definitely would be in a corner if i faced Kirai... Things like critical strike on the captain becomes extremely useful. Because spirits divide the damage BEFORE the addition/subtraction of any abilities (math rule i believe pg 14/17?). So even if you do minimum damage if you actually hit with a :rams its 3 damage!

Lucius box is a must, not only do you get really useful models you also gain a guardsman variant that only comes in that box set. The captain at first doesn't seem to impress much due to his very slow walk. BUT he is a tank since he can't be obeyed, has hard to wound, armor, 10 wounds and adds to the alpha strike.

I generally do not link the Drill Sarge to Ryle solely because Ryle becomes a very mobile firebase and at times strays further from my main lines. So the "shooting range" ability would be wasted being so far away from anyone else.

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Huh alright, would it be better to link the Drill Sergeant with the Captain then? Oh, and new goodies for Lucius? Well that would certainly be a blast. Maybe an elite shock trooper or rangers to head up against the Freikorps? I think for now I'll stick to Lucius. I'm picking up the box for the alternative sculpt alone pretty much xD

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