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Lady J is Dead....kind of


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I so want a Skaven version of Grand Theft Auto....

That would be awesome.

"Hey man, did you just steel my cheese?"

"Na man!!"

"That's it I'm gonna go steal that doom wheel, and run your a** over and take your floating money."

Moments later..........."Dang man, killing that Guy got me 4 stars, gotta hide.......oh the sewers."

And that's how it would go. I guess. Lol

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I think you may be on to something...

However, I think this still makes for a sick avatar.

Thanks for the vote of confidence! My thinking is this: while yes, Lady Justice appeared to bite it at the end of Rising Powers (spoilers! sorry), given the other events taking place at that time, if ever she was going to be able to survive, it would have been right then. And while I fully support wyrd if they chose to kill her off (ballsy AND cool), with the Avatar evolution taking place, it just doesn't make sense. I think we're looking at a really cool limited edition alt sculpt, either "miss pack" or indeed one of the 5 man nightmare box releases.

Either way, I'm going OUT OF MY FRAKING MIND for Gencon. Wyrd is my first stop on thursday morning, and if they keep this up, it's likely to be my LAST! WOO JENCAWN!

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I don't think this will be her avatar form somehow.

For a start while the other wallpapers have avatar <insert masters name> at the bottom right corner justice's says "dead justice".

and I really doubt if she does come back as undead she'll be working for ressers from how I've heard avatars will work it wouldn't be ethical and on the wallpaper there is a guild watermark in the background.

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I don't think this will be her avatar form somehow.

For a start while the other wallpapers have avatar <insert masters name> at the bottom right corner justice's says "dead justice".

and I really doubt if she does come back as undead she'll be working for ressers from how I've heard avatars will work it wouldn't be ethical and on the wallpaper there is a guild watermark in the background.


Edited by Sliver Chocobo
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I saw the announcement wallpaper yesterday and promptly freaked the heck out. My friend that plays is Ressers, and so I texted him and he spent the next hour laughing at me and saying things like 'don't mess with Nicodem' and so on and so on. Its cool that they ARE advancing the storyline, even if they are killing off the 80's hair-metal queen. In fact, I totally understand it: I'm not entirely caught up storywise like I want to be, but Lady J is one of the more 'pure' models as in she's singlemindedly killing the undead, while other models are more nuanced or shades of grey, being associated with the Guild's tyrannical practices or having a pretty mean streak (Sonnia, Perdita).

SO where does this leave us? Theories I've tossed together:

She's Dead, Jim: She's gone, that's it, she's not only not a Master anymore, she's a minion now. Some fluff behind that is that Judge and the Death Marshalls DO know necromancy... Judge is somewhat devoted to her... what about breaking that vow because they are too attached? What if, in a crazy twist, Judge becomes the new Master, sort of the Guild Necromancer? Heck, maybe even an Outcast Necromancer? Both have viability, even if they aren't probable. The Guild Masters are niched into groups, and with Hoffman, they now have a steam-punk master like the arcanists. The precedent is there, and the switch-around would be really, really cool. This is just some poor corpse walking around now... granted, one with a REALLY big sword. *Note: The wallpaper has the guild symbol huge in the background, so I doubt she's going rezzer. However, if this model IS just a minion, there might be a chance that the rezzers will have the option of taking her just because. I find that doubtful though? Maybe? Mainly because I don't want my Rezzer buddy to have her.

Down, but not Out: The one most people are going for, which is that this is the Lady J Avatar. Becoming what she hates, and probably still beating the crap out of everything in sight, just headless. If so... I'll be wincing a bit, since the model will be pretty gruesome to say the least. Its right up Wyrd's alley though. However, what I would really want is...

But, The Spirit Lives On: This goes off of 'She's Dead Jim', where she really is just a minion as Dead Justice... but that's just her physical corpse. The actual avatar of Lady J isn't the model we see, but instead a spirit, a ghost of Justice that flies about and absolutely is a terror. Heck, there's a chance that this is a combination of everything: the wallpaper we saw is the avatar, but that's her spirit manifestation, ala "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" without the horse or Ichabod Crane. However, and this might be wishlisting, it would be really cool is there was a spirit and a body of Lady J around as two separate models. If anything would speak to the character of Lady J being awesome, that would be it, running around with two iterations of her and going to town on people.

Those are my ideas! Great job Wyrd!

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I found something a few days ago that leads me to belive that at least the Judge and possibly Lady J were undead the whole time. On page 75 of Rising Powers the Governor general said of the judge: "his face is half rotted off," Now it is posible he was joking, or he might not have.

Just my two script, and I thought I should share it.

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I think its hilarious that Justice is dead.

Amateur storytelling makes for the best in professional fields.

I'm just curious as to how they plan to write out McMourning so no one can qq that he's now the obsolete melee Resser master.


If only I knew what you were talking about or where it came from.


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I think its hilarious that Justice is dead.

Amateur storytelling makes for the best in professional fields.

I'm just curious as to how they plan to write out McMourning so no one can qq that he's now the obsolete melee Resser master.

Ouch, that's harsh!

Personally, part of me twitches now that I've seen the photo floating around of the zombified Lady J crew, but I'm also happy that the storyline is progressing, always moving forward. It makes me really really excited to see the other changes that are going to happen to characters - I only hope that some characters will actually improve rather that rot away or corrupt - one of the reasons I left a previous wargame (once awesome Malifaux arrived!) was that, while grim, it had some bright points, such as Lady J's constant vigil against the dead, etc etc. If it becomes that every force out there is dark and grim, or grim and dark... it will get frustrating I feel as the world just feels more and more hopeless.

On the personal anti-new Lady J box set, I think the models are great, and the new death marshals look amazing! However, my girlfriend is rather scared to death of zombies, and the more they are in pop culture the worse it gets. I'll probably stay away from the new set, much as I love the living Lady J. Still holding out for a Spirit Lady J form of some kind!

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If only I knew what you were talking about or where it came from.


I'm going to go ahead and say that what I meant to say wasn't what you quite read.

I intended it to compliment the fact that you are not a published author contracted under Wyrd to write their stories as some other companies do.

A lot of the big names in entertainment do not write their own stories, but instead hire big names to pen out their worlds.

You, on the other hand, are an independant writer with full control of the story and you have either little to no real attachment to specific characters in the story and can therefor write in or write out characters as you please.

I commend that.

I did not mean to insult you.

And I'm not attempting to backtrack, I don't have a problem insulting people when they deserve.

You, however, do not.

In fact you deserve a commendation, as per the "I commend you" statement.

Wyrd can take pride in the fact that your storytelling will be the sole reason I give them any more money and buy their new book.

And should you ever become a published author, I would gladly hand you my money, given that you continue with your current trend of not writing useless, boring garbage like Harry Potter fanfic or vampire/werewolf romance novels.

As for the latter comment, I was simply questioning how on Earth you could possibly introduce Lady Justice into the Resurrectionist faction without making McMourning obsolete.

I suppose that's more on the crew designers palette.

So chances are, he'll be obsolete.

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