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Favorite Crew


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So i think pretty much everyone is going to have a master or crew they prefer to run. Let's post them up, and if you can, get a picture of your crew to add. I'll be adding one shortly.

Please post whatever stone costs you prefer with your list so we know what we're looking at. I like to play at 25 stones for fast games.

My personal favorite crew:

Cult of December - Arcanists

25 Stones

Rasputina - 4

Essence of power - 2

Ice Gamin - 4

Ice Gamin - 4

Ice Golem - 9

Winter's Acolyte - 6


Malifaux - Cult of December by Little_BIG_FISH, on Flickr

I also sometimes run this list sans the acolyte to have 8 soulstones and attempt to overpower spam kill the enemy.

I love to rush with the gamin/golem and use ice mirror to get extreme casting range and use them as suicide bombers in games. This list seems to be fairly easy on the cards, and you don't need to be holding the highest cheat cards to succeed most of the time. Having Rasputina also allows you to hold 7 cards, making this list much more tough with overpower casting. Essentially this list is great for wrecking other casters and high HP enemies. The true damage of the gamin and golem explosions and the AOE effects from triggers can one-shot many of the casters and 9+ SS models in the game. Another bonus is that I cannot lost Willpower duels, I can't even be affected by them actually. The Frozen Heart rule keeps this whole crew safe.

Another tactic is a bait-trap tactic. Allowing the acolyte to draw in several enemies, then surrounding them with Rasputina's Ice Pillars making it impossible to run away, then rushing them with gamin and/or the golem forcing them to kill him and take the explosion damage, or sit there and let them beat on them. This is a great way to deal with powerful opponents.

And of course, the final strategy I wanted to share from this crew; grab 'n go! Basically you run forward as quickly as possible when playing a treasure game and block off the enemy team using ice mirrored ice pillars from Rasputina. This allows you the ability to grab the treasure without worrying about the other teams line of sight or melee and get back to your homebase without even getting hurt. Also, leaving behind some gamin to act as blockers from pursuing opponents helps. This allows you to tie them up and potentially even kill them.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to seeing and hearing about your favorite crew!

Edited by Acefisher1
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My (second) favorite crew is a Ramos. Nothing I love more then summoning spiders (except summoning Gremlins).

It's been almost a year since I last used this crew in a game so I don't have much to add on tactics. This was my crew at 35 stones. Just the humanoid figures and toolkit would start on the table. The spiders would come later:






2 Large Brass Arachnids


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Currently this is my favorite crew for 35ss Zoradia's dolls

Zoraida, the Hag -- 6 Cache


Primordial Magic

4 * Marionette

2 * Stitched Together

2 * Wicked Doll

Geez this is an arcanist thread...gosh.....Just Kidding. :D

My most FAVORITE crew to run is the Dreamer, but my favorite arcanost crew is :


x2 Gunsmiths

Silent One

Spiders (amount depends on list size)

I love kaeris and would play her more if I had an actual model for her, proxying takes all the fun out of it for me. :( Hopefully GenCon :D

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My (second) favorite crew is a Ramos. Nothing I love more then summoning spiders (except summoning Gremlins).

It's been almost a year since I last used this crew in a game so I don't have much to add on tactics. This was my crew at 35 stones. Just the humanoid figures and toolkit would start on the table. The spiders would come later:






2 Large Brass Arachnids


i think you forgot one of the subbtle rules of Malifaux, you can only buy a MAX of 2 mercenaries, so i think this list is illegal


it is the gunsmith,, i read gunslinger,, my bad ;)

Edited by sephiroa
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