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Opposing Crews for 2 new players?


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I'm dragging a friend of mine into this game. Neither of us have ever played Malifaux before and I'm buying all the models for the two of us. I'm also doing all the painting.*

What we're looking for is recommendations on what starter boxes (and blisters if necessary) to buy for us to have 2 evenly matched crews. Ideally we could switch crews and a model or two in each crew and have a test of skill between the two of us without either having an undo advantage based on what crew we have. We are looking at 25ss scraps for now.

Anyone have suggestions or input for how best to go about this?

* I'm buying and painting all the Malifaux models but he's bought and is painting all the FoW models.

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I don't think that you can go wrong with the Ortega and Rasputina starters. Two very different play styles, two different types of Masters and both play really well out of the box.

Add a totem for each of them and two more blisters and I think you'll be at 35 Soulstones. The Ortegas can add the Enslaved Nephilim and the Executioner or Abulea Ortega and be at 35 and the Rasputina starter is at 25 with the addition of the Essence of Power, December Acolyte and Silent One.

Both starters are also pretty straightforward to use. I started with the Ortegas and had no problem with them at all.

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