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Huang Da Wei

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Hi everyone,

I have just found Malifaux, drawn to it by the awesome models and easy gameplay.

Have just bought Mcmourning box set plus some extras.

Looking forward to playing soon and moving away from GW games and horendous pricing (am I allowed to mention their name on here?) :D


No, don't worry, you can mention who you like as long as its not offensive to anyone.

Welcome to the game, and to the forum. Another Resser player. Seems to be a popular faction these days....Hope you have fun!

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The amount of times GWs name is dropped here I highly doubt there's any issue with other companies. Unlike GW, Wyrd don't mind us talking about subjects outside of their own endeavors on here :)

Also, if you follow this map it will lead you to The Star, the best night out anyone could ever have (hands you map and runs off) heheheh. Oh yeah, just try to hide in the shadows if it's your first time going :D

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You're allowed to say GW, as long as you somehow work the word "horrendous" into the sentence as well...so you're good :D

But in all honesty, we don't worry about things like that, we're just happy that Malifaux caught your attention, and I think I'll join with everyone else in giving you a warm welcome to the community as well. I think you'll enjoy both the game and forums! So Welcome!

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Thanks everyone, I have to admit this forum seems more mature than others. Having read a little of the rules and story it seems lots of fun and the models themselves are great. Painting 5 or 6 seems less stressful than the 2 years it took me to paint a horde army.

Don't let it fool you! We do have our moments....

It's a GREAT community in all honesty, and I've found it to be incredibly supportive.

I hope you're enjoying! Have you gotten in a game with McM yet?

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