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My "Limited" Purchases

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Since Dorothy has a hat and so on, why not use her is a alternate to the Colette model? It could be Colette out on the town with her little cannon that handily shoots out spells exploding birdies :D

I can't think of what the dog could represent, except maybe part of her bling when out on the town ;)

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Since Dorothy has a hat and so on, why not use her is a alternate to the Colette model? It could be Colette out on the town with her little cannon that handily shoots out spells exploding birdies :D

I can't think of what the dog could represent, except maybe part of her bling when out on the town ;)

I kind think it should be a Hans in an all female model crew. A friend is using the Desperate Mercenary woman as a female Convict Gunslinger, with some modifications, like the feathered hat in the Hats and Guns blister.

I LOVE the Dorothy model. I came home tonight to Bonnie Ann waiting for me.....not the form I prefer my pirate wenches, certainly the correct attitude for her though!

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Ha, I just sent Studio McVey an email about not receiving my minis and guess what pops through the letter box.. Luckily they were all intact as they were literally shoved through the letter box.

All I can say is.. wow.

Isabella (725/750) is awesome, her cigarette is soo small and thin I'm terrified it'll snap. She's got a bit of flash, but no mould lines that I can see so far. Looks like I got her just in time too, she's almost gone.

Ar-Fiach (204/750) is beautiful and fits together wonderfully. I love her hair even more now =] I was also tempted to convert her, but she's so pretty I'm going to expand the chimney base into a full blown diorama. She deserves it.

And Ruby (415/750), well simply gorgeous. Quite a few parts to her with some large flash and two frames, a few moldlines, but so glad I caved in and bought her. Worth every penny.

So yes, those are the McVey minis. I should be going home Thursday so I will get to see my other mins. If they're anything like these my cheeks are gonna start to hurt from all this smiling :D

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After completing the 1st trip of my going home journey, I finally got to see the rest of my miniatures.

Very impressed overall.

Steampunk Dorothy is a lot smaller and finer than I thought which makes her even more intimidating to paint, but the detail and quality is fantastic. Two parts - body and gun - with minimal flash, and little moldlines. She does have a large chunk of flash on the end of her gun (a common occurence I believe), but I planned to drill it anyway.

Necromancer is metal - once piece -and decent enough though he's quite thick and solid, making conversions quite difficult. I may just paint him as is, not using him as Leveticus/McMourning.. probably the least exciting of the lot.

Girl in Bunny Suit is just wonderful, so simple yet brilliant. Three simple parts - body, baseball hand, bunny head - and looks easy enough to assemble. It's a really uncharacteristic purchase for me, but it's one of my favourites, can't wait to start on the diorama I have planned for her. One strange thing though, it looks like she has a cigarette in her right hand but the picture of the model doesn't have it, might be flash but I like it nevertheless.

Monkey with Flamer is metal and simple - one piece - get what you expect really. Thankfully he'll fit into my diorama with Bunny girl. He's simple, but characterful. He needs a cigar though.. and possibly a sombrero..

Grace is Gone (the pregnent cyborg) is just as good as bunny girl (same sculpter) - simple and awesome. Three parts - legs, body and gun, with a scenic base - with only her thin and bendy "hair" causing me any worry. Quality is brilliant, comes with a sculpted pin for the waste joint which is nice. I've only just figured out what diorama I will do for her and similalry can't wait - she's the daddy's mummy.

So yeah, Dorothy is as awesome and intimidating as everyone says she is, but Emanuele Giovagnoni wins this batch for me - bunny girl and pregnent cyborg are too good. It's safe to say I'm going through a simplistic phase in my miniatures, having become jaded with GW's "bling bling" approach to many of their miniatures.

Including McVey's Ar-Fiach, that's three dioramas I have planned. I've got a bunch of minis I'll practice on first, but I can't wait to give these the full treatment. I'll certainly continue to keep an eye out on CMON for more limited edition miiatures in the future. I've already set money aside for Wyrd's Gencon mini/s. :D

Now all I have to do is finish moving home and clear a space for my workstation... or should that be workbench ;)

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Good to hear it got to you in the end :) Mine took just over a week which is slightly longer than normal, but my order was dispatched 3 days after the order was made (which is a bit of a long time unless it's Wayland, lol).

Be happy you were ordering out of America and not into it. International post going into the States now is a joke after and I know someone still waiting for a birthday present I sent to them in March. I know exactly where it is, it's in Heathrow awaiting a plane to take it (post to the USA will only be shipped on freight flights now, which has really slowed down anything being sent to then) :(

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