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Lady Justice tricks?


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I would agree having a horde of small guys is better than a bunch of beefy guys. If you activate Lady Justice first or whenever you think is safe her "inspiring swordplay" ability gives all her crew within 10" +2 cb. Mind you that you don't have to use it JUST for combat attacks... So nino casting "in my sights" within 10" of Lady Justice would be an 11cb before a flip... all but guaranteeing a hit... at the very least your opponent will always have to cheat first regardless of what you flip.

i would suggest some witchling stalkers into the list solely because I think their dispel magic is VERY useful. In addition to their hunter/scout combo and a built in critical strike trigger. All else fails Immolating Demise gets you one step closer to kill the enemy.

The watcher is good don't get me wrong, but I still haven't quite the hang of the model yet. I played 2 games with it, and most games I want to activate something else first which leaves it to be the last model or next to last.. So its abilities are wasted in that regard. If it had a companion ability I would auto include but as it stands its just okay.

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I completely agree with a Witchling making it into a LadyJ list. Even if it just gives you something with a Magical weapon. This is something her lists tend to lack . . . .

The Watcher is awesome if anything for something else that is fast moving and can take/hold objectives. It seems now though that just using the points for another Hound may be a better choice . . . for her.

Guardian is always a solid choice to keep her up, and again . . . I can't also stress enough considering Von Schill to give her some ranged hurt and take the heat off other models.

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Here's my lastest contemplation, though it's been awhile since I've played. Given my limited selection, this is what I'd like to try in a general game with shared Strat and schemes. My misgivings are that I've dropped the Peacekeeper (a meaty, fast model, great for scenario play) for lots of firepower.





3x death marshals



I'm sure I can lay down firepower, and I have lots of melee love in Justice and friends. But it looks kinda slow.

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I take a lost that looks something like this,

Lady J

Peacekeeper 9ss

Guild Astringer 5ss

Guild Astringer 5ss

Executioner 7ss


Taylor 9ss

4ss cache



Guild Hound 3ss

Guild Hound 3ss

Watcher 3ss

5ss cache.

I enjoy the Taylor list more, and however the guild hound list is better do to the more activations.

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Think someone has mentioned it but taking Lucius with Lady J, Ryle and Austringers, and a drill sergeant... combine with reinforcements makes one aggressive force first turn lady J can grab treasure and still attack an enemy if they come close... Or throw Ryle up the board and let him go nuts with his Gatling gun... Lucius' Reinfocements spell gives Lady J and Ryle a terrifyingly massive threat range

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What is everyones opnion on how many stones lady j should take?

Not sure how I feel about taking lucius with a master, maybe because most of my lists revolve around 2 mid to high ss minions and a bunch of cheap ones. As a "master" he is great! Can't wait to see if any new guardsmen/special forces come out in the new book!

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couple things I have tried with her. Student of conflict for the haste is nice kinda pricey but adds a large melee threat range (had a few guild on guild vs perdita where the haste was needed for sure). Don't always have to cast it on lady J either consider casting it on judge and have lady j give him melee expert it's pretty deadly and can keep others off lady j a turn or two. If she killed something that round as well the judge is scary.

Gun line of marshals is fun but hard to pull off sometimes but killing something within line of sight of them with their critical strike being on guns is nice.

I like the austingers as well as the guardian vs high defense targets. The austringers for the high cb of course and the guardian I like for a few reasons. the armor and self heals of course and if I took the guardian with the S.o.C. for the shield given melee expert and haste if need be thats 4 damage you can spread as you wish that cannot be cheated. (works better with Sonnia getting things to 1 health to convert to witchlings). Then at end of turn push the guardian right back close to lady J or judge.

Scales is also a good choice depending who you face but masters that give you - flips to hit can be negated and of course for giving out melee expert when you need lady J's ap for herself.

I like Sam as well he is just plain evil with flaming bullets but if someone has faced off vs sam before he usually does not last to long.

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austringers are very nasty, a model that can hit consistently and avoid being in the line of fire means even with a "low" damage output on weak. It can afford to ping enemies on their way to your gun/battle line. Also deliver orders is a good way to perform a mini alpha strike. All else fails you knock out a weak card if it doesn't work!

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I like 6+. Usually more like 7-8. I've done 4 and 5, and just always wished I had more.

6+ seems a good amount from the couple of games I have played with her, shes doesnt usually need them to hit things but they definitely help keep her alive

I'll third that. With Lady J you need to have at least 6SS with 7 or 8 preffered. The trick is the stones are basicly only used for healing and damage reduction, but if you have a decent :masks in your hand or on a df flip you SS it for that repost! Nothing beats kicking out at a minimum a :+fate and on average a :+fate:+fate damage flip on your opponents attack to ruin they're plans.

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