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Yess. More Sonnia is always a good thing! (Except when it's not.)

And thank you. I desperately need to get back into drawing. Luckily some other projects are also inspiring me back toward Malifaux. Drawing, painting, and perhaps.... sewing? (!) are all in the future.

I just need to get this danged tablet connected back to this danged computer...

Did someone say sewing? Here's an easy pattern that'll get you Colette's skirt with just bit of modification: http://www.cutoutandkeep.net/projects/burlesque_bustle_skirt

(Made it myself before I ever started playing the game. Was delighted to find a master wearing "my steampunk outfit!")

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Did someone say sewing? Here's an easy pattern that'll get you Colette's skirt with just bit of modification: http://www.cutoutandkeep.net/projects/burlesque_bustle_skirt

(Made it myself before I ever started playing the game. Was delighted to find a master wearing "my steampunk outfit!")

Yes! Thank you! That's what I've been looking for for a little bit.. though perhaps not for myself, at least yet. I may have to scale it down somewhat....

And I'm actually kind of shocked that this thread still has people watching it! It's been so long! Now I feel bad for disappearing.. but thank you all for your support. :)

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Well, that was a very entertaining 1/2 hour's reading! Lovely work, sorry I'm such a latecomer!

Have the Wyrdlings seen this thread? Any opinions on licensing, T-shirts etc? I am a big fan of TSOALR, and believe that GW should have syndicated it. I want a Tuesday's Lilith T-shirt!

Keep up the good work, another avid follower here!

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  • 2 weeks later...
She's just a jock. I'm sure she has a few exes. Except they're buried six feet under, without their heads. Preying mantis style.

Nope, none at all, she stay up night wright bad emo poetry. She and Kari have a poetry meeting once a month wth Bete Noir, Philip and Ramos (cause they have free cake)

---------- Post added at 09:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:22 PM ----------

I thought that was Colette.

Could be both, last time i herd Sonia was going around stealing hats as well, but we know what Sonia is like

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