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Sweet dreams aren't made of this...


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Well I figured it was time to put some of the painting I've been doing over the last few days up. I generally hate taking photo's of miniature's as it brings up all the imperfections in my painting, and as these are being done quick and easy to tabletop standard there are more than a few imperfections...

To fit the sort of Malifaux theme I used some photo effects to really give the feel of the time and what it would have been like as a photographer in Malifaux...

The bases on the neverborn aren't completed as I'm still tossing up a couple of ideas in my head...










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Thanks for the comments folks:)

For some reason Blue is a color that sits well with me, probably why I went Cult of December for my first crew! Tried to branch out in my color palette with the Neverborn but it didn't take blue long to sneak back in...

I enjoy editing my photo's using a free editor called Photoscape and one of the features is the vintage photo pre-set's.

I really liked the idea of some steampunk Victorian photographer getting the dreamer to pose for a photo then seeing Lord Chompy Bits in the back of the image as he develops the negative in his darkroom...

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I too enjoy blue. When i decided to branch out i tried some green and purple and it fit with my color pallet. I did not notice any of these colors in your models ( which i really enjoy, bright is best) you might enjoy adding those to your repertoire

Funny you should mention that, I just finished painting a very green insidious madness for the crew. (Which I then played terribly against Lord shaper:sad2:)

I've always been a fan of strong colors in my fantasy palette, if I want to paint muted and drab then I generally paint an actual model, like the excellent WW1 models by Peter Jackson's company (Yes he of LOTR) Wingnut wings. That gives me my dose of reality!

Anyway, I digress, I have never really painted purples, I might give it a go with Coppelius. It would break the crew up a bit.

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