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Thunder rolls, In the distance a dog howls at the moon. A rumbling occurs at your feet, turning quickly into a violent shaking. You feel the inevitable closing in. You hear a tune blown in on the wind, accompanied by the sound of multiple voices saying "It's alive!". You gain your footing as an arm reaches out of the ground, keeping your nerves you watch as a torso follows. The music is louder now, almost deafening. Its unearthly chorus accompanying a set of necro-punks bearing a set of legs and a cane. They attach the legs and flee, leaving only the living remains behind. It looks around, taking everyone in. Dust rasps from his mouth and lungs as he says...

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I know right. (picks up a thick, foul smelling green drink) Too long old friend. How are things? I see you are working on Pandoras, very nice model. Tall too haha.

Not when I've finished with her lol, she'll be hiding in the tentacles, not posing on top like some overpaid pop star!

Things are good...did you know i was a father? My daughter Lily was born in June...wasn't sure if you were still here then...

So where you been? Couldn't get out of your coffin?


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I was gone by then, but congratulations. Fatherhood is a special thing, enjoy it.

As far as where I have been lets just say last year was not kind to me and it took most of the time I was gone to sort out everything and dig my way back up. Dark times behind.

Ah, but such is life eh? We dead have a tendency to keep coming back.

It was mine, but it's fine. I have more haha (sips drink)

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I was gone by then, but congratulations. Fatherhood is a special thing, enjoy it.

As far as where I have been lets just say last year was not kind to me and it took most of the time I was gone to sort out everything and dig my way back up. Dark times behind.

Ah, but such is life eh? We dead have a tendency to keep coming back.

It was mine, but it's fine. I have more haha (sips drink)

Glad to see that things are looking up!

I'm offski now for the day, but will no doubt catch you again sometime...

*leaves can of air freshener*

I know being dead you can't help it, but that earthy smell hangs around a bit! ;)

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Okay, I TOTALLY don't know why people complain about the free PDF of the RM. I GET that you want the pictures... but it's so... Convenient! I mean... I've been answering rules questions all day, and I love how easy it is for me to look stuff up on the computer.... how I can jump so easily from place to place. Not that I can't do that with my hard copy (which, btw, I love) but it's so nice and.... Convenient!

/end rant

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Afternoon all! Still very sick and it seems my gothic showgirls have decided to take the weekend off :(

My Mechanithralls arrived today! More models to paint since I just painted all the rest of my Cryx stuff this week (I'm a busy painted these days), Supernatural is back on tv (WOOHOO!) and Amazon have the Harold Lloyd DVD Collection for less than £9 (that's less than £1 a disc!) so I may have to order that ;) heheh.

Still very sick though and getting worse :(

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So how was everyones weekend?

I didn't do a great deal..but I did get to take Lily for her swimming lesson...swimming lessons at 6 months lol!

Ok, she doesn't do any swimming, but its part of a 4 part program that builds over a couple of years into getting Lily used to water, and being underwater etc.

She seems to like it!

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g'morning all!

How's it going??

I worked Saturday... read Saturday night... hung out a the LGS on Sunday where I painted and kicked Dwug's ASS at Catan... then I went home and finished basing a commission crew (Collodi, four marionettes, eight wicked dolls, two stiched together on Orphanage bases) and finished Dwug's Puppet Teddies... went to bed too late and fell asleep watching Dune....

WICKED exciting..

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Afternoon all!

~Notices my girls are back and laughing at Harold Lloyd dvds~

Hey, I've not had a chance to watch those yet! The cheek!

~Also notices the oxygen tent they're erected around my comfy chair~

What the-? It's not like I have the Ebola Virus...

So then? How's everyone today?

My Cryx are shaping up with Warwitch and Wraith Witch Deneghra, Witch Coven of Garlghast & Egrogore (SP?), 4 Jacks and 56 Mechanithralls painted and based so far. Not back for a week of painting :)

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