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We ran a 4e campaign for about eight months. We had between 12 and 23 players each session. We ran it as a merc company where everyone worked for two characters (mine and another friend's).

EVERY session I would end up saying "This isn't a democracy."

My issue with D&D is that since its beginning (I've played since '83, and even had a couple of copies of the vaunted "blue book" rules) it's more fantasy-sim than true role playing. Now that I've discovered things like FATE, Fudge, Dogs in the Vineyard, and Dread, I find I prefer them for my serious role playing....outside of the bedroom!

Monday we're playing a fantasy hack of Don't Rest Your Head, and I'm pretty excited about that!

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starship troopers 2.

Even the directors knew it was a pile of crap. In the director commentary, quote "We had a budget of a 1.75, and we spent 1.50 on the bus ride to the studio"

True,.. but it was still starship troopers,.. space marines and alien bugs. But Highlander 2,...??? Somehow,.. the immortals became aliens from space,... and even in the rest of the sequels,.. they all ignore #2, as though it never even existed.

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True,.. but it was still starship troopers,.. space marines and alien bugs. But Highlander 2,...??? Somehow,.. the immortals became aliens from space,... and even in the rest of the sequels,.. they all ignore #2, as though it never even existed.

starship troopers 2 was barely even recognizable next to the first movie. It was kind of an alien..undead...ghost story...slasher... with a cast of about 5 people in a green screen room. With what seemed like a team of highschool graduate 3d animators

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starship troopers 2 was barely even recognizable next to the first movie. It was kind of an alien..undead...ghost story...slasher... with a cast of about 5 people in a green screen room. With what seemed like a team of highschool graduate 3d animators

Starshop Troopers 3 had promise... the last few mins of the film were great with them in the mechs... but it got lost with all the religion BS.. Was just weird that they film was called marauder and we only saw the marauder part right at the end... if it had the mechs all the way through it would have been amazing... still think the first was a great movie although Miss Richards was annoying as hell and her character, WHAT A BITCH!

I have reached the big 30... lots of lovely presents and my lady got me The Wolf Guard and the FW conversion kit! :)

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BTW It's not and it's sadly not the worst Highlander film ether

I'll grant you that The Source was bad,.. but I still think #2 was worse. The whole space aliens thing cuddled the entire story. It changes the whole story,.. it's akin to making part 2 of Stephen Kings Pet Cemetary,.. into the The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

Stop,.. wait,... what just happened?? How did we get from there to here???,... huh??? See what I mean?

But to be honest, Highlander really didn't need a sequel of any kind. If you consider the Kurgen to be the last battle, then McCloud won the prize,... and there's no need to continue the story at all. It's a shame really,.. the first movie was so awesome, and sadly, none of the sequels held it's same "majesty",.. so to speak.

As for Starship Troopers,.. even the original was a bit "campy",.. so for the second one the be likewise, isn't that far of a stretch. Even if you consider the low budget qualities,.. it at least stayed along the same premise as the first one,.. more or less.

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