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I think the most beautiful wedding I've ever seen is a handfasting done at sunset on Samhain...

Handfasting at Samhain?? Ack!

I was a part of one at an SCA war on a peninsula on a lake. The people that were handfasting were incredibly well liked, and people that we hadn't seen in years came out for it.

It was also a very powerful circle, I have a hard time describing how much energy was there!

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Handfasting at Samhain?? Ack!

I was a part of one at an SCA war on a peninsula on a lake. The people that were handfasting were incredibly well liked, and people that we hadn't seen in years came out for it.

It was also a very powerful circle, I have a hard time describing how much energy was there!

Samhain and Beltaine are the traditional times for a handfasting, back in the day those were the only times Pagans would have them :)

As for Rgue Trader tonight, my character (Drusilla the Righeous who's a member of the Ecclesiarchy) fell to the sway of Chaos AGAIN! She charged a Daemonette with full intent of cutting itto pieces, but suddenly felt the urge to make out with it instead, hilarity ensued. 10 Sanity points and 19 Corruption Points later she's now got Acidic Blood and a hidden mark of Chaos on her body and spent 5 days with a aversion to clothes (lol) and has a lasting bout of Tourettes (makes her singing those praises very interesting) and the presence of religious icons make her want to vomit.

Naturally her character is being changed in secret to be Chaos form the Black Crusade book, heh.

Oh, she's also gone from vengeful, aggressive puritan to "let's all make love and be at peace". Needless to say the rest of the party are quite concerned about her, heheh.

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