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Woohoo! First segment of a short story just went up. I haven't written that much in years...

And fantastic it is too edonil...you certainly have the flair for writing, hope the muse continues and we get to read much more.....

Now I must write this epilogue then i can say my stint is truely over!

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And fantastic it is too edonil...you certainly have the flair for writing, hope the muse continues and we get to read much more.....

Thanks Abs! I hope she sticks around too, would be disappointing to me for her to leave just as things start getting interesting again on that front... Of course, this is probably going to start eating into my time painting, but I've built up enough of a backlog that I'm okay with that for now. :)

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Well, today is both a sad day but also a good day! Sad that after almost six months, the black storyline has come to an end.....for now at least.

But good that i have enjoyed writing it, and hopefully that everyone who has read it has enjoyed them too.

Anyway, its over now, so more time to concentrate on my new baby daughter!

And messing around on here obviously......


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Well, today is both a sad day but also a good day! Sad that after almost six months, the black storyline has come to an end.....for now at least.

But good that i have enjoyed writing it, and hopefully that everyone who has read it has enjoyed them too.

Anyway, its over now, so more time to concentrate on my new baby daughter!

And messing around on here obviously......


Don't forget to read mine :D

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*Wanders in and yawns* You know how if your actively busy or engaging yourself you don't really get sleepy? That's probably how I managed to stay up till about 1am picking computer parts and didn't realize what time it was till about midnight and by then I had to finish -_-

I vote that 5am be placed after 8am. So the new order would be:

1am, 2am, 3am, 4am, 6am, 7am, 8am, 5am, 9am, 10am, 11am, 12pm

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*Wanders in and yawns* You know how if your actively busy or engaging yourself you don't really get sleepy? That's probably how I managed to stay up till about 1am picking computer parts and didn't realize what time it was till about midnight and by then I had to finish -_-

I vote that 5am be placed after 8am. So the new order would be:

1am, 2am, 3am, 4am, 6am, 7am, 8am, 5am, 9am, 10am, 11am, 12pm

lol, instead of GMT or EST? it would now be KT (KArn time)


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Hammer time lol!

I am of course too young to remember that #cough#

Uh huh.

*Gets out the cough translator, turns it on and flicks a few switches before it replies*

Translation: I have owned at least one pair of parachute pants .

End Translation.

*Grins at AB*

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Uh huh.

*Gets out the cough translator, turns it on and flicks a few switches before it replies*

Translation: I have owned at least one pair of parachute pants .

End Translation.

*Grins at AB*

#takes translator and shakes it, new reading says:#

Obviously I am faulty, disregard anything I translate.

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Uh huh.

*Gets out the cough translator, turns it on and flicks a few switches before it replies*

Translation: I have owned at least one pair of parachute pants .

End Translation.

*Grins at AB*

I owned a pair too. I think I was the only goth in the world daring enough to wear them, hahahaha!

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