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Yup, she is getting less sleep than i am! Hopefully today she can catch up, my parents will be going around to help out...

Hopefully! Sleep is kinda important.

You may have to read them over a few nights...there is unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on whether you like them) rather a lot to go through!

Not a bad thing at all! Did you plan out the whole plot before you started, or has the story grown more organically?

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Abs, I don't know whether to hug you or kill you, because you seem to have woken up my muse...or got her interested enough for an overnight flight, whatever the case may be. Might actually start writing some for the first time in years...

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Not a bad thing at all! Did you plan out the whole plot before you started, or has the story grown more organically?

Nope the original plot was only really a short story (basically part 1 of book1!) But i enjoyed writing that and people wanted to know what happened next, so it grew from there. I tend to have a basic idea of how I wanted it to go, but side plots and things just got tossed in there. i've nod oubt I have not explained something enough, or will not have tied up the loose ends....but I guess that always leaves scope for other stories, prequels etc!

Abs, I don't know whether to hug you or kill you, because you seem to have woken up my muse...or got her interested enough for an overnight flight, whatever the case may be. Might actually start writing some for the first time in years...

You may want to kill me, I only tried a short story and now six books and a couple of interludes later, the arc is finally coming to a climax! The bug really takes over, and though I will be glad to see it finished, it will be sad to not have it to write too! But i can always start others...i do have some ideas floating around.

Hope the writing bug makes you happy...i do love to write!

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My muse and I haven't had a long conversation since high school, so while I once enjoyed writing, that was about 6 years ago...since then, several aborted attempts to start writing again and even the desire in the back of my head has become a rare thing. However, now I have a very brief character sketch in my head developing, plus a starting idea of how to introduce them...just debating how much I care about flirting with that ever so deadly line of Mary Suism...

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Anyone got any idea of a common type of undead someone would run into in the sewers of Malifaux? Something a little more individually threatening than a Mindless Zombie preferred...

Punk zombies, necropunks, let loose by some nasty resser?

Crooked men, or similar, ie adventurers lost in the sewers?

make a new type up? after all its a magical place, anything can happen!

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