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And AB's can be my sidekick Gimley

Lol, a dwarf! though dwarfs are undoubtedly cool (I have over 10000pts of them for Warhammer) I don't think I can really pull the look off, being 6'7" !!!

#enters thread properly, pours a coffee, and watches Orboros tinkering with Hatchet's trapdoor#

Hey Orboro, you got a death wish! ;)


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Morning Chocobo and Orboros! Glad to see the early crowd is still just as crazy as ever (I was gone so long :(). Now we're just missing an armored egg and we're all here...

By the by, before I forget, I need to make an obnoxious happy birthday post for Sketch...(goes to plan)

(drops to knees and throws hands in the air) AAAAABBBBBSSSSS! How dare you ninja me?!

(gets up and dusts off knees) How goes, my 6' 7" egg like friend?

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Morning Chocobo and Orboros! Glad to see the early crowd is still just as crazy as ever (I was gone so long :(). Now we're just missing an armored egg and we're all here...

By the by, before I forget, I need to make an obnoxious happy birthday post for Sketch...(goes to plan)

I'M HERE!!!!

#waves frantically#

Birthday? SKetch? Does he even age?

EDIT: checks. Oh yeah...in that case, Happy Birthday Bear!! Hope you enjoy it.

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If I'm only on here in drabs this morning, it will be because I am finishing off the FINAL part of my Absolution Black stories....yes, the final part...its been a few months coming lol, but the story is at an end....

That's right, I meant to go read that...hm. Maybe tomorrow night, not sure I'll have time before I go to bed. It's been a long day... -_- Heh, maybe I should get the rust off my muse and see if she's interested in writing something for the Malifaux setting...

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Nope I say your a stuffed pig

*straps explosives to Orboros and throw him like a grenade*

(Pulls out an umbrella) I see the explosives are starting early this morning...mind the Puppets, I haven't seen them about, they might take exception

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How's the lady wife handling it all? Being kept up all hours of the night too?

Yup, she is getting less sleep than i am! Hopefully today she can catch up, my parents will be going around to help out...

That's right, I meant to go read that...hm. Maybe tomorrow night, not sure I'll have time before I go to bed. It's been a long day... -_- Heh, maybe I should get the rust off my muse and see if she's interested in writing something for the Malifaux setting...

You may have to read them over a few nights...there is unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on whether you like them) rather a lot to go through!

#sidesteps chunks of bacon#

Hmmm...Orboros again?

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