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Leaving for work on time, finished painting 6 models (Metal Gamin and Steam Arachnids), started painting 3 more (Ice Golem and Wardens), finally finished Orange Is The New Black, organized three binders of PDF printouts for Shadowrun, and my roommate is trying to hook me up with a friend of hers.

So... "good" lol


Well, sounds like it's going very nicely.

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Yep. I don't know when I am supposed to get hooked up, but the painting is nice. Depending if I can hit the LGS at work today, I may finish another 3 models before July. Need a few more shades of blue for the Ice Golem


I'm working on my Tara crew at the moment but after that I'm moving onto Raspy and Ironsides. Gonna paint Raspy first then Ironsides after. I plan on painting her like a white blonde chick for hell of it :D


Here's my inspiration 



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Another glorious day of work in front of me!  Anyone have any fun plans today?


First day back at work after my wedding and honeymoon which sucks, I'm also trying to give up smoking so I'm feeling a little on edge at the moment. One wrong word today from one of my colleagues and I could snap! I've substituted in chewing gum for cigarettes and so far It's holding the urges at bay...  

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Another glorious day of work in front of me!  Anyone have any fun plans today?


Looking for a load of building materials for a gaming/display board for my Lilith crew and trawling the internet for reference pictures, so yes busy working. How about you?

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Not mine, no. I'm one of the guests. There'll be two others, I reckon.


Getting older, we also started to only invite people we actually like, not just associate with.


These are some of my favourite nights to be honest, dump the kids off with some relative and have drinks and play Articulate, Balderdash and other games

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These are some of my favourite nights to be honest, dump the kids off with some relative and have drinks and play Articulate, Balderdash and other games


None of us has kids, we're playing Andor, but the rest seems spot on.

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