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Hello MD. I was wondering where you were last day. hiding from the chaos?



Hey PD, I was off sick yesterday. I felt so rough I just stayed in bed all day feeling sorry for myself. Feeling a bit better now my pain killers and various other medications have kicked in! Chaos is something to be embraced! Without Chaos there can be no Order. ;)

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On topic. I haven't really played magic ever. I've tried it a few times but that's it. It seemed like fun though.


I was always more of a Yu-Gi-Oh man myself, I used to play competitively a few years ago but MTG is pretty cool. I like how the system plays out, I doubt I'd ever get into it properly but I've dabbled with it and it is pretty good fun. I begrudge paying crazy prices for cards though which is why I got out of the TCG scene. Some of the Yu-Gi-Oh cards were going for £100 each at one point! 

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Magic is quite fun. But as always, you need to have similar mindset players. We play kitchen table casual, so we get a lot of different decks that are quite fun.


Also, BS high price cards are BS. 


I totally agree. A few years ago a card called Tour Guide of the Underworld came out for Yu-Gi-Oh. My friend pulled it from a booster pack and at the time it sold for £100. 1 Card... £100... Madness!!! That's 3 Starter boxes!!! 

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