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I will admit that JM is an acquired taste, and divides opinions like no other. I've noticed that people either love it or hate it, never met anyone who was in the middle.


One reason I like it as much as I do is because it's somewhat similar to that Finnish liquor I keep going on about but cannot get in the US. Jager, on the other hand, is regularly on sale for $15 for a 750ml bottle. I'll take what I can get.


You mean you actually met someone who liked it? Not pretended to like it because his friends say it's cool? I never met such a person.


Yeah, I had bourbon at a party once, because they didn't have Scotch. I imagine it's a similar situation. Doesn't make the bourbon less terrible, though.


I've had that before. And you know what? Dirial is right. He's so right. It's the best German beer I've had.


True that. It's not the only good one, of course, and people have differing preferences, but that one is mine. No doubt about it.

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I just asked because if you heard loud screaming and synthesizers in your travels, those are my people. 


And yay German beer and sausages


In Munich, alcohol in trains is forbidden. It's an important distinction to Frankfurt, where I live. Be sure to warn them.


At the moment, they probably shouldn't mention Dortmund, either. Hähä.  <_<

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Better Angels recap from DriveThruRPG has me sold. Especially the highlighted part. That seems AWESOME.


A demon gave you superpowers and it demands EEEEVIL!

In Better Angels, you play a supervillain trying to control the demon that gives you amazing powers—and you play the demon for the player next to you, pushing that player’s supervillain to greater and greater acts of supervillainy.

Do too much evil and the demon might take control. Too little, and—well, it’s a demon. It will find ways to punish you.

Better Angels focuses directly on characters’ moral stances. Is your villain Insightful or Devious? Cunning or Patient? Is your Courage as great as your Cruelty? Those characteristics drive your superpowers. They shape your relationship with your demon. And they are shaped by it in every scene.

Prepare yourself. There are diabolical inventions to create. Enemies and rivals to thwart.


All it will cost is your soul.


Sounds kinda like a Jojo's Bizarre Adventure RPG.


Very healthy attitude.



You don't see the lederhosen-bearing, beer drinking, loud trumpet players? Or the dirndl girls? Thank God!



Oh yes. The only redeeming factor about Jägermeister is that they have ace PR people. If you think it actually tastes okay (not to mention good), you have never had a good drink. It's a stain of humankind, that stuff.


Jager is alright if you take a shot when it's ice cold. Otherwise it's unpalatable. I like it every once in a blue moon if I can get it like that.


Yeah, I had bourbon at a party once, because they didn't have Scotch. I imagine it's a similar situation. Doesn't make the bourbon less terrible, though.
What kind was it? Because good bourbon is amazing.
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What kind was it? Because good bourbon is amazing.



I agree. However, I will contend that all liquor is an acquired taste. I love scotch, bourbon, and rum. Cannot stand tequila. Does that mean there is no good tequila out there? No, it's just not for me.

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Jager is alright if you take a shot when it's ice cold. Otherwise it's unpalatable. I like it every once in a blue moon if I can get it like that.


Everything is palatable if it's cold enough. So you might have a point there.


What kind was it? Because good bourbon is amazing.


Don't know anymore. But I've never had good one, obviously. If such a thing exists.


Tequila is usually a "I am too drunk to taste things anymore" drink.


Tequila is like. The good stuff from Mexico, though, not the shit they sell here.

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I used to not like tequila until I tried some decent ones. Most hard liquors are "you get what you paid for." The only exception I know of is the new trend of mass-produced whiskey, where you might be overpaying for something that's made and bottled for multiple distributors. I absolutely hate it, because good whiskey is a wonderful thing.


I am biased, but everything I've had from Corsair (our local distillery) has been excellent. Triple Smoke is aged in three different types of barrel, then blended. Dickel apparently has a rye that's done by MGP but otherwise their product is their own. Jack Daniel's is what it is- either you like it or you don't (Gentleman Jack is still one of my favorite spirits, period, and even though it's heresy, it's great with a little Dr. Pepper).


This list is invaluable for determining if you're getting the good stuff or the factory style (which is usually serviceable but unremarkable).

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