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Already got one in the works for September... after running NYC for several years, I'm finally letting the kids go from Cuddle guns to full lethal. Yay Milwaukee!!


My group just went on indefinite hiatus. We almost/kinda/mostly burned New Orleans to the ground. But I'm pretty sure it was deserved. 

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As I haven't played TtB myself yet, I can only judge from this thread which sounds like it has exactly the same problems and solutions about min-maxers as every other game.


It has the significant advantage of playing a Death Marshal. Hard to beat that for every other game.


If I may be so blunt, that thread is a little off.


The fact of the matter is that:


1) Everything skews toward the attacker, just like in Malifaux

2) It's a static resolution system with an easy probability tracker (cards)



This means, as a Fatemaster, you can literally set the difficulty to the % you want -- there is no random on your part so you know exactly how difficult you're making it for players. But regardless of what you do, the Fated will more than likely murder people. It happens. This is because attack stats are higher than defense stats. That's not a problem, because it's also true for the Fated.


Party of 4? Turn 1, maybe they kill 8 NPCs. Maybe (that's assuming you make NPCs drop at 0 Wounds, which you don't have to do). Then the rest of the badguys attack the Fated, and, quite frankly, probably hit.


When you couple in that above information (the inherent ease of setting probabilities and hitting the Fated), combat IS a danger. If you use the system the way it's written.


Then, add in the fact that there are a LOT of challenges Breachside that don't involve fighting, and suddenly your players need a diversity of skills to succeed.


I may work on TTB design, but keep in mind that I didn't write it. I'm designing for it, so I need a good understanding of its strengths and weaknesses. And powergaming is really not a problem in TTB any more than it is in almost any game, and TTB actually has some really easy solutions for it.

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I'll take your word. It's just that 


Then, add in the fact that there are a LOT of challenges Breachside that don't involve fighting, and suddenly your players need a diversity of skills to succeed.


this is my usual solution to min-maxers.

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so, TTB question...


I assume you can pretty much build charcaters from scratch like most RPG's?


Are the abilities, stats etc similar to the TT game?  Ie.  Could I easily transfer characters I have made in TTB into games of Malifaux (with opponents permission) for kicks?


Just enquiring as planning on making my 'Absolution Black' crew based on my stories (shameless plug lol) and would love to be able to use them in both systems..


You can, pretty much. Some things are defined by fate. There's also a guideline for converting TtB characters to Malifaux. It's in the Fatemaster's Almanac.

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You can, pretty much. Some things are defined by fate. There's also a guideline for converting TtB characters to Malifaux. It's in the Fatemaster's Almanac.

Cheers you may have just convinced me to buy these..even though I never play RPG's..


At least I will have them should the mood take me..plus I am betting there is a shed load of background fluff in them?

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So, Dirial, I just found out my friend's band will be performing at a music festival in Munich this weekend. That anywhere near you?


Depends on your definition of "near". It's about 3-4 hours by car, and 2-3 by train. It's the capital of Bavaria, and probably the most stereotypical German city. All beer, sSauerkraut and Weißwurst.

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probably the most stereotypical German city. All beer, sSauerkraut and Weißwurst.


This does not sound like a bad thing. How's the jagerschnitzel there? 


One of my best memories of traveling was being in Germany at some pub at 2am in a small town in the middle of the Black Forest. Rammstein was blaring on the speakers, bartender giving us free shots of jager, and eating this amazing jagerschnitzel. It was a religious experience.

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This does not sound like a bad thing. How's the jagerschnitzel there? 


Schnitzel is not their speciality. More like Haxe. I'd bet you can find a good Schnitzel there, though.


The rest, however: Bleargh. I don't like the stereotype other nations have of Germans any more than you like the ones about Americans. Bavaria is our bible belt, so to speak.


One of my best memories of traveling was being in Germany at some pub at 2am in a small town in the middle of the Black Forest. Rammstein was blaring on the speakers, bartender giving us free shots of jager, and eating this amazing jagerschnitzel. It was a religious experience.


That you can find nearly everywhere in Germany. Munich will more likely be this than Rammstein, though.



Who'd want Jägermeister, though? That stuff is atrocious.

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I just assume all Germans are like Nietzsche.


Well, not really, but that'd be fun.


In reality, I spend no time whatsoever thinking about "Germans." Or people of any country, really. People are way too diverse for that shit.


I do, however, spend a lot of time thinking about "nerds."

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Who'd want Jägermeister, though? That stuff is atrocious.


And apparently I'm the one without taste :P


Honestly, the only stereotypes I've really seen about Germans are the efficiency (which I think may be true) and sex dungeons. But again, that last one is probably Hasselhoff's fault. Did not know Bavaria was your equivalent of the bible belt.

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In reality, I spend no time whatsoever thinking about "Germans." Or people of any country, really. People are way too diverse for that shit.


Very healthy attitude.


Honestly, the only stereotypes I've really seen about Germans are the efficiency (which I think may be true) and sex dungeons. 


You don't see the lederhosen-bearing, beer drinking, loud trumpet players? Or the dirndl girls? Thank God!


And apparently I'm the one without taste :P


Oh yes. The only redeeming factor about Jägermeister is that they have ace PR people. If you think it actually tastes okay (not to mention good), you have never had a good drink. It's a stain of humankind, that stuff.

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Oh yes. The only redeeming factor about Jägermeister is that they have ace PR people. If you think it actually tastes okay (not to mention good), you have never had a good drink. It's a stain of humankind, that stuff.


So, as leading German and knower of beer, what is the best beer you have?

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You don't see the lederhosen-bearing, beer drinking, loud trumpet players? Or the dirndl girls? Thank God!



Oh yes. The only redeeming factor about Jägermeister is that they have ace PR people. If you think it actually tastes okay (not to mention good), you have never had a good drink. It's a stain of humankind, that stuff.


Forgot about the lederhosen, drunk, polka bands. 


I will admit that JM is an acquired taste, and divides opinions like no other. I've noticed that people either love it or hate it, never met anyone who was in the middle.


One reason I like it as much as I do is because it's somewhat similar to that Finnish liquor I keep going on about but cannot get in the US. Jager, on the other hand, is regularly on sale for $15 for a 750ml bottle. I'll take what I can get.

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